Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is a federal-state program in the U.S. state of Florida that provides services to people who have physical or mental disabilities to help them get or keep a job. Its headquarters is located in Tallahassee, Florida and it has 90 local offices. P...
등록일: 오전 12:00:00 | Requisition No: 827935Agency: Department of EducationWorking Title: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION… - 비슷한 채용공고 더 보기
등록일: 오후 7:45:57 | Requisition No: 834403Agency: Department of EducationWorking Title: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION… - 비슷한 채용공고 더 보기
등록일: 오후 7:45:18 | Requisition No: 829363Agency: Department of EducationWorking Title: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION… - 비슷한 채용공고 더 보기
Florida Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers.
오늘 눈에 띄는 미국 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor 채용공고 435개. 인맥을 활용하여 기회의 문을 넓히세요. 새로운 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor 채용공고가 매일 올라옵니다.
오늘 눈에 띄는 미국 Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist 채용공고 1,000개+. 인맥을 활용하여 기회의 문을 넓히세요. 새로운 Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist 채용공고가 매일 올라옵니다.
직급 : 신입, 고용형태 : 계약직, 직종 : 기타, 업계 : 전문 트레이닝과 코칭
This statistic shows the revenue of the industry “vocational rehabilitation services“ in Florida from 2012 to 2017, with a forecast to 2024.
1 Examining Vocational Training in Southwest Florida Corrections: Analysis of the Rehabilitation Path and Reduced Recidivism by Sabrina Anderson A Dissertation Submitted in Partial...