Outline ① File concepts ② File System Implementation ③ Allocation Methods ④ Examples ① File concepts ● 정의 보조 기억장치에 기록된 관련 정보의 명명된 모음 (A named collection of related...
File Concept Contiguous logical address space Types: Data numeric character binary Program Contents defined by file’s creator Many types Consider text file, source file, executable file 연속 논리 주소...
- Heap file organization : 모든 record들이 공간이 있는 파일의 모든 곳에 저장될 수 있어서 record의... 아래 그림(13.8)은 위 그림(13.7)에서 record (32222, Verdi, Music, 48000)를 삽입하고 난 이후의...
Chapter 13. Class Library java.lang Package Last Modified Date : January, 22, 2014 Please Download File to Chapter 13. Class Library_java_lang_Package.pdf
Chapter13-designing-drawing-content.odt (파일 크기: 4.96 MB, MIME 종류: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) 경고: 이 파일에 악성 코드가 포함되어 있을 수 있습니다. 파일을 실행하면...
External file support is designed for efficient storage of large objects. An object is considered to be large if it is more than a third of the size of a page. Without external file support, large objects must be broken up into smaller pieces, and then reassembled and/or disassembled every time the record is read or updated. Berkeley DB external file support avoids this assembly/disassembly process by storing the large object in a special directory set aside for the purpose. The data itself is n...
13.2 File Organization file : file system의 저장 단위로, record들의 집합이다. database는 files의 collection이다. 각 file은 record의 sequence이다. (여러 relation) Fixed-Length Record...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as a 'wage earner’s plan,' has helped millions of people restructure their debts.Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is complicated, but the gist of it can be broken...
자료명/저자사항 : Chapter 13 bankruptcy : keep your property & repay debts over time / Attorney Stephen Elias & Kathleen Michon, 발행사항 : Berkeley, CA : Nolo, c2016, 청구기호 : LM 346.73078 -A16-7, 자료실 : [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대), 형태사항 : 402 p. : ill., forms ; 23 cm, 표준번호/부호 : ISBN: 9781413322712 (pbk.) ISBN: 9781413322729 (epub), 제어번호 : MONO2201613695, 주기사항 : Includes index
Chapter 13 package includes Chapter 13 Plans, Chapter 13 Calculator, Chapter 13 Time Tracker, Chapter 13 Receipts