서 론 ; 전정뇌전증은 현훈이 발작의 유일한 증상 또는 주요 증상으로 나타나는 뇌전증을 의미한다[1,2]. 현훈은 자신이나 주위 환경이 실제로는 움직이지 않는데 움직이고 있다고 느끼는 현상으로, 이것이 뇌전증 발작의 주요 증상으로 나타나는 경우를 임상 현장에서 드물게 마주할 수 있다. 한 연구에 따르면 뇌전증 환자의 5%가량이 어지럼을 경험했고 이들 중 측두엽이 가장 흔한 발작 시작 부위인 것이 확인된 바 ...
The Epilepsy Foundation is your unwavering ally on your journey with epilepsy and seizures. The Foundation is a community-based, family-led organization dedicated to improving the lives of all people impacted by seizures. We are here for you.
The Epilepsy Center offers comprehensive treatment to patients of all ages. Our experts address the many ways that seizures affect your life.
Preparing for Your First Appointment ; Please send your medical records, MRI and/or CT scans and EEGs in advance of your visit. Whenever possible, we would like to see the actual images from previous MRIs and/or CT scans and the actual EEG recordings from previous recordings, not just the reports. It is particularly important that we review scans or EEG recordings that have been found to show an abnormality. Please bring names, addresses and phone numbers of all health care professionals who sho...
Patient Content · Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain characterized by repeated seizures. A seizure is usually defined as a sudden alteration of behavior due to a temporary change in the electrical functioning of the brain. by
Drug-resistant forms of epilepsy are rare in all FHM mutations, and this information is important for counseling patients. Keywords: Epilepsy; Familial hemiplegic migraine; Gene; Mutation;...
for patient-centered research. Social Security Disability Help: A nonprofit organization with information about how people with epilepsy can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance....
Epilepsy is diagnosed in 125,000 Americans each year. Find in-depth information here on such issues as seizures, symptoms, and treatments.
The objectives of this study were to provide a comprehensive survey of satisfaction with care, care preferences and information provision for patients with epilepsy, and to formulate recommendation...
The modified Atkins diet is a change to the keto diet to make it less restrictive, along with other changes. This diet is one option to treat patients with epilepsy.