웹사이트 : http://www.zli.umich.edu, 업계 : 고등 교육, 회사 규모 : 직원 11-50명, 유형 : 교육기관, 설립 : 1999, 전문 분야 : The Zell Lurie Institute at the University of Michigan is a leading innovator in entrepreneurial education advancing the skills of entrepreneurial graduates.
These days, many young people may wonder if they would be better served by striking out on their own than pursuing a college education. In this rapidly evolving digital era, narratives of instantaneous success and entrepreneurial grandeur have flooded our social media feeds, luring the digital natives of Gen Z into questioning the worth of what is often an expensive traditional college degree. Related: What First Generation College Students Really Need · With U.S. universities witnessing a ste...
This student believes his Associate's degree in Business Administration from UoPeople fuels his entrepreneurial spirit. Read more here...
Unlock your entrepreneurial future with our BSc Entrepreneurship degree. Master startup financing, agile management and more, with flexibility to fit your life.
Reasons you should choose this programme ; You want to learn methods, processes, and principles for management of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship ; You are interested in idea generation, realization, and development ; You would like to build your own start-up team and experience the strengths of diversity
Grace has an entrepreneur degree. Our Christ-Centered Entrepreneurial Management major prepares students to run a business with innovation.
Earning an entrepreneurship degree can help position you for more than just starting a business. There are many job opportunities for people with entrepreneurial skills.
배울 내용 ; To understand the role of cognitive factors in entrepreneurship ; To use cognitive heuristics and biases as entrepreneurial resources ; To understand when mental shortcuts can be beneficial in entrepreneurial thinking ; To think like an entrepreneur
Berkeley's undergraduate engineering degree opens the door to an advanced degree, an entrepreneurial career or any number of technical professions.
Entrepreneurial Studies Entrepreneurial Studies ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE DEGREE To inquire about this program:Contact Phone (312) 922-1884 or Email [email protected] ENTREPRENEURIAL STUDIES MI...