<system.net> <mailSettings> <smtp from="your email address"> <network host="relay-hosting.secureserver.net" port="25" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> </system.net> Here's the sub: Imports...
Godaddy Webmail down? Check whether Email.secureserver.net server is down right now or having outage problems for everyone or just for you.
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Secureserver.net traffic volume is 145,324 unique daily visitors and their 800,736 pageviews. The web value rate of secureserver.net is 10,516,730 USD. Each visitor makes around 5.90 page views on average. By Alexa's traffic estimates secureserver.net placed at 1,051 position over the world, while the largest amount of its visitors comes from India, where it takes 157 place. Secureserver.net is hosted by AS-26496-GO-DADDY-COM-LLC - GoDaddy.com, LLC, US in United States; however, we recommend mig...
참고: 이메일 동기화 기능은 고급 및 그 이상의 요금제에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 요금제 변경 방법은 여기에서 알아보실 수 있습니다. 파이프드라이브에서 이메일 동기화를 사용하려면 IMAP과 SMTP 정보를 제공해야 할 수도 있습니다. 이미 Gmail 및 Microsoft와의 기본 동기화를 지원하고 있으므로 원래 방법이 작동하지 않을 경우에만 이 사용자 정의 연결을 사용해야 합니다. 여기에...
I just get the error message 'Something went wrong' when setting up account manually. I am using the server names imap.secureserver.net (incoming) and smptout.secureserver.net (outgoing)Port numbers
# Current info: # A (Host) @ CNAME (Alias) e email.secureserver.net email email.secureserver.net ftp @ imap imap.secureserver.net mail pop.secureserver.net mobilemail...
I have following code which successfully sent email using Gmail address. But when i tried to... com' to SMTPserver = 'smtpout.secureserver.net' the smptp of my domain but it also did not...
I am facing issue while sending email using Yii2 swiftmailer. I can't forward emails from my... [ 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', 'host' => 'smtpout.secureserver.net', 'username' => 'hr...