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Policy Implications from Selected Countries for Promoting EMR Certification in Korea

정리ㆍ편집 : Baek, Juha, 발행년월 : 2023-01, 면수 : 1-7

EMR 인증기준 상호운용성 컨텐츠 개발

ONC Certification Program을 통해, 인증 기준을 제시하고 있 으며, ONC-ACBs(ONC-Authorized Certification Bodies)를... 현황 ◦ EMR 인증을 지원하고 국가 EHR 구축을 위한 중단기 표준프레임워크의 발전방안 수립 필요...

EMR 시스템·제품 인증 체계 및 절차 설계 | 국회도서관

: 삽화, 표 ; 27 cm, 총서사항 : (1차년도)보건의료정보화를 위한 진료정보교류 기반 구축 및 활성화 ; 2 정책-의료정보 ; 2015-88, 제어번호 : MONO1201621576, 주기사항 : 주관연구기관: 한국보건산업진흥원 주관연구책임자: 박정선 부록: 1. ONC Health IT Certification Program 2015 Edition Test Methods Draft 번역본 ; 2. ONC Health IT 2014 Edition Method를 Reference로 한 국내 EMR/EHR 기능성 외래파트 인증안과 ONC 2015 D...

Research@KIHASA: 전자의무기록(EMR) 인증제 확산을 위한 해외 사례 비교 연구 - 중소병원 지원방안을 중심으로

Record (EMR) Certification System - Focusing on Supports for Small Hospitals 저자 백주하( Baek, Juha) ; 강희정... Kang, Sunghong 키워드 전자의무기록(EMR) ; 전자건강기록(EHR) ; 인증제 ; 중소병원 발행연도 2022...

EHR Implementation Checklist: How to Successfully Adopt an Electronic Health Record System

First, you need to assess where staff stands in terms of technical skills and mindset. ; Then, you move on to mapping out your current workflow. ; During planning, you put your ideas down on a roadmap.

EMR/EHR Partners │ Midmark Medical

Browse a comprehensive list of current Midmark EMR/EHR partners, find information pertaining to device and software compatibility, or begin the partner registration process.

Research@KIHASA: Policy Implications from Selected Countries for Promoting EMR C

interoperable EHR format. The EMR certification program should be further expanded, because it promotes the quality of health services and ensures continuum of care by facilitating innovation...

EHR and EMR Software Development Company

End-to-end EHR/EMR software development services. Secure and reliable solutions that fully meet the needs of medical staff. Project success no matter what!

EHR Software Development Company | Build Custom EMR System

We are leading EHR software development company. Build future-ready patient intake software to track the health record at ultimate level. Build future-ready EMR software with comprehensive guide.

Custom Mental Health EHR Software: A Practical Overview

Solution composition: medical staff interface, admin interface, a patient record storage, a terminology service, a clinical decision support system, a data analytics module, an e-prescribing module. ; Recommended integrations: RCM, HIE, CRM, a patient portal or a telehealth application for mental health. ; Costs: from $400,000 to $2,000,000. Use our free calculator to get a tailored quote for your project.

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