정가 : 69,610원, 판매가 : 57,080원 (18% 할인), YES포인트 : 2,860원 (5% 적립) + 마니아추가적립 · 5만원이상 구매 시 2천원 추가적립
정가 : 69,610원, 판매가 : 57,080원 (18% 할인), YES포인트 : 2,860원 (5% 적립) + 마니아추가적립 · 5만원이상 구매 시 2천원 추가적립
The authors describe the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officer professional military education system, compare it with civilian institutions, analyze effects of possible changes, and identify op...
were in their fifth school. She cited a longtime problem that military families have to struggle with: The lack of a guarantee “that children’s education will shift seamlessly between...
Compared to the formalized education military officers received in Europe, American officers learned their profession in several unconventional ways: service with a foreign military, militia traini...
There existed an evolved system of military education in the Soviet Union that covered a wide range of ages. The Soviet Armed Forces had many tri-service educational opportunities as well as educational institutions for the Soviet Ground Forces, the Air Forces, and the Navy. The Soviet Bor...
Introduction Graduate Medical Education plays a critical role in training the next generation of military physicians, ensuring they are ready to uphold the dual professional requirements inherent t...
Request PDF | Experiences in the delivery of a flexible education program to military students | Background: The delivery of higher education and professional development programs through a flexibl...
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