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Services | Drupal.org

Services API allows others to expose custom API's or modify/hook into entities, and add actions/targetable actions or indexes in a standard Non-RESTful Web services way. ; Provide endpoint capabilities to put your API behind a centralized URL ; Accept header-based negotiation

Services Views | Drupal.org

Views support for the Services module version 3.x and later. ; It has currently two features: - Create view based resource creating Services display in a view - Execute any view of the system via views resource call ; Demo video http://youtu.be/DZEhJKMeR5w

Setting up and running a Drupal service desk | Drupal.org

Triaged by our Level 1 Service Desk Agent ; Assigned to a Technical Lead for initial investigation and estimation ; Assigned to a Level 2 agent for resolution

Drupal Support Services

Check out Zyxware's highly skilled Developers who provide a one-stop solution for your Drupal Support & Maintenance Services.

RESTful Web Services - Critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2024-019 | Drupal.org

This module exposes Drupal resources (e.g. entities) as RESTful web services. The module doesn't sufficiently restrict access for user resources.

RESTful Web Services | Drupal.org

Exposes Drupal resources (e.g. entities) as RESTful web services. The module makes use of the Entity API and the information about entity properties (provided via hook_entity_property_info()) to pr...

Drupal Service - AALOGICS

Enhance your online presence with AALogics, a top Drupal development company. Get custom, scalable solutions. Contact us today for expert services!

SAML Service Provider | Drupal.org

The simplesaml_php module requires the SimpleSamlPHP framework. The framework is a full-stack framework: you need a vhost, data-storage, docroot, etc. It is not a simple component library. ; The Saml SP module uses the OneLogin PHP-SAML toolkit, which is a minimal component library. ; The Saml SP module only functions as a Service Provider. It won't act as an IDP.

RESTful web services support for files and images | Drupal.org

Usage example: posting images ; Enable and configure restws (and optionally restws_basic_auth), making sure you can create/update a regular ‘article’ node. Configure the ‘article’ stock content type of your Drupal installation, to have an image field called “field_image”. For the sake of the example, don’t configure it as multi-value just yet (see below). Using any REST client extension, POST a JSON body payload like the one in examples/image-payload.json. Check the newly created a...

Services: An API for remote applications | Drupal.org

Services is a standardized API for Drupal that allows you to create "services", or a collection of methods, intended for consumption by remote applications. Several "servers", or protocols, provide...

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