문자 메시지 작성 및 운전은 위험합니다. 다음은 Intellingicated Driving While Intelligence에 관련된 매우 유익하고 유용한 Infographic 정보입니다.
intexticationessay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the dangers of texting while driving, known as "int...
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that texting and driving is dangerous. But plenty... distracted driving, teens and adults are still texting at the wheel. One teen from Idaho...
요즘엔 이 DWI가 driving while intexticated 라는 뜻으로도 쓰인답니다. 운전 중 문자를 읽거나 보내는 행위가 음주운전보다 더 위험하다고 해서 intexticated라는 신조어가 만들어진...
Texting while driving is so dangerous, many states have made it illegal — but just like driving drunk, people still do it. So high-tech companies across the nation are racing to develop devices to...
Will an organization as influential as Mothers Against Drunk Driving emerge to confront and stigmatize “driving while intexticated”? If not, what can bring about a meaningful cultural...
Whether it’s texting, calling, navigating, or something else, using your cellphone while driving can be dangerous.
beemer, A BMW vehicle ; beamer, A BMW vehicle ; Intexticated, Texting while driving ; AFAP, As fast as possible
The Problem We all know texting and driving is dangerous and dumb. Yet, everyone has a friend or family member who does it anyway. In fact, 2 in 5 high school students text behind the...
Unprotected text: We investigate if sending messages on your phone while driving is more LOL than OMFG.