1. How can a California dog bite lawyer help me? ; 2. Who is ineligible to sue in California? ; 3. How much can I sue for a dog bite in California?
Need a San Diego car accident attorney? Contact Michelle Gershen, a trusted personal injury lawyer. Call 619-861-7781 for a free consultation.
The tiny pink house was pretty much empty. And run-down and dark, since the electricity had been shut off. Nevertheless, someone was trying to burglarize it, a caller told 911 well after midnight on a Sunday in Montgomery, Alabama. The police called in a K-9 handler and his dog, Niko, to search 3809 Cresta Circle. The dog lunged, found a man and bit down, according to court records. It took almost two minutes for the handler to pull the dog off. And before long, their suspect, a 51-year-old Blac...
Read more ; 6 takeaways from our national investigation. ; She went out for a walk. Then Drogo the police dog charged. ; Alabama’s ugly secret: Police dog attacks.
Whether you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident or by a dog bite incident, The California Advocates are here for you. Our office is located in downtown San Diego in Golden Hill....
Mauled: When police dogs are weapons When police violence is a dog bite An Alabama man killed by a K9 officer was one of thousands of Americans bitten by police dogs every year. Few ever...
local San Diego County court Serve copies of your lawsuit on the defense Press the defense to engage in meaningful settlement discussions and offer you a fair monetary award Provide legal...
Shamon Law, a San Diego based personal injury lawyer offers all types of legal assistance with proven results. Call now and and get the settlement you deserve.
Police dogs bite thousands of Americans each year, including innocent bystanders, children, police officers, even their own handlers. The Marshall Project—in collaboration with AL.com, IndyStar and...
Hariri Law Group: San Diego’s Premier Personal Injury and Employment Lawyers. We have a proven track record of success in personal injury and employment law.