Distance education, also known as distance learning, is the education of students who may not... Correspondence Schools grew explosively in the 1890s. Founded in 1888 to provide training...
Past staff, students and parents of all the Perth-based distance education schools contributed to the activities and projects throughout the year. Notable alumni [edit] Sadie Canning MBE...
In September 1937, amid a polio outbreak in Chicago, Chicago Public Schools undertook a pioneering large-scale program that provided at-home distance education to the city's elementary...
https://sydneyh-d.schools.nsw.gov.au/ Sydney Distance Education High School is a public distance education school in the inner-city suburb of Woolloomooloo in Sydney, Australia. The school...
History[edit] SIDES was established in 1988 as one of nine regional public "distance education" schools in British Columbia. At the time, the SIDES program was a paper-based program in...
correspondence schools catering for the primary and early secondary education of children in... and Distance Education Educational School Sound System was a common installation in South...
Guidance on the distance education provision in NSW schools.
Contact details for schools of distance education
Studying by distance education enables students to: ; have direct contact with teachers by email, online lessons, phone and post ; be visited by teachers where possible ; attend study days, seminars and excursions to provide contact with other students ; borrow resources from our extensive library.
Distance learning, form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-tea...