A collection of RAND research on the topic of Discriminatory Practices
How employers deal with politics in the workplace involves a wide range of issues, including an organization’s brand, reputation, and values.Politics in the workplace implicates a substantial numbe...
Advice for doctors tackling racism in the workplace, which sets out actions you can take if you witness racism or if you experience it. It also includes information for employers.
Sexual Harassment, Violence, and Bullying in the Modern Workplace: Tailored Training for Employees and Managers
SUBJECT: Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace ; PURPOSE: This transmittal issues the Commission’s guidance on harassment in the workplace under EEOC-enforced laws. It communicates the Commission’s position on important legal issues. ; EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon issuance.
Report Serious Injuries, Fatalities and Dangerous Occurrences ; Approved Standards and Practices ; Appeals
Follow these workplace anti-discrimination laws to keep your organization safe and compliant.
Review the history of systemic discrimination in Canada ; Identify the legal concept of discrimination through recent legal cases ; Understand each prohibited ground of discrimination under applicable human rights legislation
The federal Judiciary is committed to a workplace free from discrimination, sexual or other discriminatory harassment or abusive conduct. It is also committed to ensuring that every employee has cl...
With the introduction of Bill C-65, and other developments in labour law and occupational health and safety law across Canada, it is increasingly important for workplaces to understand the landscape of EDI. Harassment and violence are disproportionately experienced by marginalized individuals and communities and these behaviours are often rooted in discriminato ...