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델 인터내셔널, 하이브리드 스토리지 델 이퀄로직 PS6510ES / PS6500ES 출시

델의 한국법인인 델 인터내셔널㈜(대표 피터 마스, 이하 델코리아)은 새로운 하이브리드 스토리지 델 이퀄로직(Dell Equalogic) PS6510ES와 PS6500ES 스토리지를 출시한다고 밝혔다. 하이브리드 스토리지 델 ..

storage area network - Which RAID level for virtual machines in SAN - Server Fau

I have Dell EqualLogic PS5000E iSCSI Array. I have connected this SAN in servers directly. I used Jumbo Frames. In this case, everything is ok. My storage is ~25TB. Now, I need to choose, which RAID

[주간 스토리지] 델, 통합 스토리지 전략 '눈길' < 기업/재계 < 산업 < 기사본문 - 블로터

델 스토리지, 인수를 했으니 통합하는 한 해가 될 것인가 델(Dell... 2008년 이퀄로직(EquaLogic)을 14억 달러에 인수하면서 시작된 델의... 일단 기존 파워볼트 제품과 SAN 제품 등을 통합할 것이고 오카리나...

Dell EqualLogic Data Recovery Service

In-Lab ; Standard : Average 3-5 Business Days, Priority : Average 1-3 Business Days, Weekend : Average 1-3 Days, Emergency : 24/7/365 Average 12-24 Hours

SAN vs Local Storage - Data Storage, Backup & Recovery

jeffviola3862 (imlds) ; I’ve been trying to learn from reading the post on this forum. It seems that every time someone talks about getting a SAN someone always suggest that they stick with a local server and storage. I understand the cost difference and even that with some SAN solutions that they become the single point of failure. The part I’m missing is the tools that a SAN offers. Are the following tools available for local storage? · De-dupicate · Thin Provisioning · Multiple Tier...

storage - Datacenter Power requirements. A=W/V I must be doing something stupid

1 Fiber Switch 1 1U Storage Controller, standard Dell 850 server. 11 3U Storage Servers, each with dual 750-watt power supplies. So... I'm trying to calculate how many amps i should...

Advice on new Vmware environment - Virtualization

October 7, 2013, 2:54am ; grey (Grey) ; Yeah, RAID 10 is the obvious winner if you have the space. Present the entire 3TB to Vmware as a single LUN? ; If this is not a 24/7/365 business and some downtime is allowed, can Veeam replication be used instead of VSA? ; Heads Up! DELL EqualLogic & VMFS Issue - CormacHogan.com ; October 7, 2013, 1:41pm ; tleavit (tleavit) ; travis5295 (Travis5295) ; Only one note - the minimum required VMware licensing for Veeam is vSphere Essentials (free ESXi is not s...

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VMware vSphere · NetApp-Massenspeicherlösungen · VMware ESXi · Dell EQUALogic · WinDream Dokumentenverwaltung- und Archivierungsso · Colfax Security Gateway · HP ProCurve Konfiguration und Verwaltung · Windows Server 2000 - 2012 · Active Directory · Microsoft Windows 95 - 8.1 · Linux · Macintosh 10.4 - 10.10 · Microsoft Office 2000 - 2013 · Microsoft SQL Server · Veeam Backup & Replication · Symantec Backup Exec · iOS Einrichtung MDM · Tobit David Zehn - .fx ·...

OpenStack Cinder Deep Dive Grizzly Release

FC SAN Zone / Access Control management Transfer volume ownership Volume Migration Work... (iSCSI) Dell Equalogic Violin Memory v6000 (iSCSI) Current drivers: Coraid (AoE) EMC VMAX/VNX...

Wanna help me build a DR site?? - Virtualization

Need 50 or so physical processors (before hyper-threading) to run the VMs’ ; 6TB of storage, don’t want the cost of a shared SAN array to keep costs down, maybe Starwind? vSAN seems to be 1.0 for me still. 3000 iops, we’re not a I/O intense shop. ; 2 or 3 hosts, so essentials plus most likely

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