Health indicator availability at smaller geographies was sparse, and varied considerably by geographic definition, health indicator, age range of population and years available. In all...
Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. ; Mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health. ; Mental health is determined by a range of socioeconomic, biological and environmental factors.
Definitions of the terms “minority health” and “health disparities” have evolved as the research fields have grown and interacted with the full spectrum of scientists. Initially, the definitions were intertwined, as the researchers doing this important work have bridged both fields, and the assumption was made that minority populations always had health disparities. For NIH, this plan underscores the need to separate the science of minority health, which focuses on the health of racial a...
Cancer health disparities are adverse differences between certain population groups in different cancer measures. Learn more about disparities definitions.
systems of health care, pensions and social protections for a growing older population. Latest trends in Population Ageing According to the World Population Prospects 2022, the population...
Associated Indicators ; Short name: Density of health posts ; Data type: Ratio ; Definition: Number of health posts from the public and private sectors, per 100,000 population. Health posts are either community centres or health environments with a very limited number of beds with limited curative and preventive care resources normally assisted by health workers or nurses. Disaggregation: Provider type (public/private) ; Method of measurement · Count of health posts available in the country, divided by the number of population. M&E Framework: ...
Abstract Population health management (PHM) has increasingly been mentioned as a concept to realize improvements in population health and quality of care while reducing cost growth (the so-called T...
Policy Points Although a single definition of the population health workforce does not yet exist, this workforce needs to have the skills and competencies to address the social determinants of heal...
Home · Resources · Understanding Health Disparities Series · Minority Health and Health Disparities Definitions
organization of health services. From the normal human interactions involved in dealing with... occurrence of disease in a population by correlating factors such as diet, environment...