DC Cupcakes is an American reality television series that follows sisters and business partners Sophie LaMontagne and Katherine Kallinis (later Berman) as they run Georgetown Cupcake, a small cupcakery located in Washington, D.C. The series premiered on TLC on July 16, 2010. Episodes Serie...
DC Cupcakes: With Billy Woodward, Lynn Julian, Katherine Kallinis, Sophie LaMontagne. Sisters Sophie and Katherine risked their life savings and traded high-powered careers in fashion and finance t...
Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla, European sweet cream butter, and gourmet chocolate sprinkles. Stop by and experience the bliss. Also, watch Katherine and Sophie on TLC's new show DC Cupcakes....
DC Cupcakes. 좋아하는 사람 1,473,039명 · 이야기하고 있는 사람들 149명. Welcome to the Official Facebook page for TLC's DC Cupcakes, featuring Georgetown Cupcake!
dc cupcakes 한국어 뜻: DC 컵케익.... 자세한 한국어 번역 및 예문 보려면 클릭하십시오
《 DC 컵케익 》( 영어: DC Cupcakes )는 2010년부터 현재까지 방영된 미국의 리얼리티 텔레비전 프로그램이다. 외부 링크 (영어) DC 컵케익 - 공식 웹사이트 (영어) DC 컵케익 - 인터넷 영화 데이터베이스
저자가 Sheryl Berk, Carrie Berk인 Cupcakes are Forever: The Cupcake Club #12의 오디오북입니다. 내레이터: Carrie Berk. 좋아하는 모든 책에 즉시 액세스하세요. 월간 약정은 필요하지 않습니다....
팔로워 141K명, 팔로잉 6명, 게시물 3,335개 - DC Cupcakes Katherine & Sophie (@KatherineSophie)님의 Instagram 계정: 'Katherine Berman & Sophie LaMontagne -Sister-Owners of Georgetown Cupcake, Stars of TLC's DC Cupcakes, Authors of Cupcake Diaries & Sweet Celebrations'
271 likes, 3 comments - katherinesophie - June 3, 2024: "Tennis Lessons with Coach Harris 🎾 Go Philip!".
433 likes, 2 comments - katherinesophie - June 12, 2023: "Happy Monday!! 💕".