Encryption At Rest 미사용 데이터는 기기 또는 네트워크 간에 이동하거나 제3자와 상호 작용하지 않는 등 적극적으로 사용되지 않는 것으로 정의됩니다. 이 정보는 하드 드라이브, 랩톱, 플래시 드라이브 또는...
Establishing and maintaining key policies ; Establishing and maintaining IAM policies and grants ; Enabling and disabling key policies ; Rotating key cryptographic material
AWS provides the tools for you to create an encrypted file system that encrypts all of your data and metadata at rest using an industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm .
Learn how Lambda handles data encryption at rest.
By default, Amazon SES encrypts all data at rest. Encryption by default helps reduce the operational overhead and complexity involved in protecting data. Encryption also enables you to create Mail...
All of the APIs in Kubernetes that let you write persistent API resource data support at-rest encryption. For example, you can enable at-rest encryption for Secrets. This at-rest encryption is addi...
Learn how to use customer managed keys in AWS KMS for encrypting data at rest in Verified Access.
이 문서에서는 미사용 Azure Data Encryption의 개요, 전반적인 기능 및 일반적인 고려 사항을 제공합니다.
Data at rest in information technology means data that is housed physically on computer data storage in any digital form (e.g. cloud storage, file hosting services, databases, data warehouses, spreadsheets, archives, tapes, off-site or cloud backups, mobile devices etc.). Data at rest incl...
MariaDB got Data-at-Rest Encryption with MariaDB 10.1. This functionality is also known as "Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)". This assumes that encryption keys are stored on another...