ABB’s class-leading data center solutions provide energy and insights for the data centers of tomorrow and will keep your operations running 24/7
모든 단계에서 데이터 센터 최적화 지원 ; 진화하는 기술과 최적화 된 민첩성 및 효율성에 대한 조직의 요구가 증가함에 따라 오늘날의 복잡한 데이터 센터의 시각화, 자동화 및 고성능 네트워크가 필요합니다. 탁월한 연결성 및 물리적 인프라 전문성을 통해 새로운 현실에서 성장하고 미래를 준비 할 수 있습니다.
CBRE partners with owners, occupiers and investors worldwide to deliver consulting, advisory and transaction, project management and integrated data center operations services.
Data center solutions from Intel accelerate your technology transformation with vetted partner solutions and builder-friendly reference architectures.
From exabytes to zettabytes, data centers are rapidly developing. Micron helps you choose the right memory and storage solutions for your cloud based and enterprise data center storage needs.
Intel's innovation in cloud computing, data center, Internet of Things, and PC solutions is powering the smart and connected digital world we live in.
Broadcom provides a comprehensive portfolio of data center solutions, from Ethernet switch, controller and PHY to ASIC, Fibre Channel switch and HBA, SSD/HDD controller, NVMe/SAS/SATA/PCIe storage...
TE designs next-generation technologies for data center & AI connectivity. Visit to explore solutions for applications and articles on tech insights.
Molex leverages decades of engineering domain experience to deliver data center networking solutions that meet the highest quality standards. Visit our site to learn more.
Littelfuse manufactures products for data center and hyperscale applications such as computing equipment, blade servers, edge servers, power supply units, uninterruptible power supplies, generators...