Researchers from Florida State University’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice have earned lead-article honors in Criminology, the top journal in the field, for their work investigating how hate crimes are reported by law enforcement agencies. The study, Understanding Community Hate Crimes as an Incorrigible Proposition: Local Political Attitudes, Path Dependence, and the Ceremonious Reporting of Hate Crime Statistics, explores ceremonious compliance, a source of sociocultural bias in...
Preparation for the 21st Century ; Real-World Research: Scientific, evidence-based work that affects public policy and changes lives. ; Academics: A collaborative learning community that inspires intellectual curiosity, where professors only teach classes in which they are experts. ; Faculty: Home to the nation’s most prestigious faculty, which includes experts in gun control, corrections, biosocial criminology, sentencing, and social control.
A criminology professor at Florida State University suddenly left his $190,000-a-year... Stewart has denied such criticisms but after the sixth incident in 2020 an FSU committee reconvened...
Criminology Criminology(범죄학)란 범죄의 발생과 원인, 그리고 대책을 탐구하는 학문분야로서, 사회학, 심리학, 법학, 경찰행정학 등의 다양한 부문에서 접근하는 학제적 분야입니다. 범죄학이 가장 발달한 미국의 경우에 대부분 사회학적 배경을 가진 사람들이 주류를 이루고 있습니다. 학생이 연구에 관심이 있는지 집행 및 실무에 관심이 있는지에 따라 전공분야가 달라 질 수 있습...
Newswise — Criminologist Alex Piquero has won the 2011 Academy Fellow Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), and it’s no wonder. Piquero ranks No. 1 in the nation for scholarly contributions to his field, and so does The Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, where he and other top-ranked faculty are bringing research to life. “Because the Academy Fellow Award recognizes distinguished contributions to criminal justice education and schola...
A Fellow of the American Society of Criminology, Eric Stewart has had six research studies retracted, blemishing FSU’s top-ranked criminology department. Stewart was first accused of...
FSU criminology researcher receives early career award from the American Society of Criminology ; FSU doctoral student's work earns lead article honor from the American Society of Criminology's top journal ; FSU researcher finds differing labels for rape undermine public opinion of the crime's severity
Social Sciences and Humanities ; Criminology ; Economics ; English ; History ; Political Science ; Psychology ; Sociology
Considered the best doctoral program in the country as evidenced by multiple articles in The Journal of Criminal Justice Education, the FSU College of Criminology offers you the opportunity to be p...
Department of Computer Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32306