The former president’s lawyer told the Supreme Court that January 6 was ‘shameful, criminal, violent’
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers | LinkedIn 팔로워 6,814명 | NACDL is the leading national voice of the criminal defense bar advocating for criminal justice reform. | The National Assoc...
Former President Donald Trump's legal team is in direct communication with Justice Department officials, the first sign of talks between the two sides as the criminal probe intoaccelerates...
This conference examines the impact of lawyers and the legal system "on government, freedom, responsibility and virtue." The conference brochure presents as a benchmark the lawyer/statesman who played such a prominent role in our country’s early years. I want to return to that ideal in addressing the particular topic that is before us in this segment of the conference — the role of the lawyer in the criminal justice system. At the risk of comparing two things that are really not comparable, ...
Meek Mill's lawyer says the rapper is glad to be getting out of jail, but volunteers to do more time if it helped criminal justice reform.
So much of the time the law, the police and the criminal justice system seem to fail women...
Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, the CIA's general counsel, intended a call with lawyers from the NSC and DOJ to be a criminal referral, say officials.
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NACDL is committed to enhancing the capacity of the criminal defense bar to safeguard fundamental constitutional rights. NACDL harnesses the unique perspectives of NACDL members to advocate for policy
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