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Accredited Couples Relationship Counseling Using CBT

Accredited Course for Practitioners for Counseling through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

효과적인 예비상담자 다문화상담 교육방안을 위한 질적연구 = A qualitative study on effective multicultural ....

목적 본 연구는 다문화 시대에 유능한 상담자를 배출하기 위해, 예비상담자들의 다문화 능력을 배양할 수 있는 효과적인 다문화상담교육방안에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 방법 이를 위해 대학원 다문화상담 수업 경험을 가진 상담전문가 6명에게 그들이 생각하는 효과적인 다문화상담 교육방안을 위한고려사항에 대해 질문하였다. 이러한 연구 참여자들에게 실시한 인터뷰 결과...

Specialized Certificate Course in Psychological Counseling

The course develops your Practical Counseling Skills and Therapeutic Competencies

Substance Abuse Counseling Introductory Course

배울 내용 ; Gain the foundational knowledge needed to start working as a substance abuse counselor ; Integrate previous learned knowledge, skills and training into your work with people struggling from substance use disorders ; Understand causes of substance use disorders

Best Online Counseling Courses and Programs

Explore counseling courses and more. Develop the skills to advance your career with edX.

Depression Counseling Certificate

배울 내용 ; Counseling Approaches. Psychological Theories. How Depression Affects The Brain · Pharmacological approach (Medical Treatment) · Types of Depression. Alternative Options. Role of Stress & Depression. Somatic Symptoms. Role of Stress & Depression · And, Much, Much, More!


배울 내용 ; Over one million divorces just in the United States every year. Learn how to save your marriage and relationships and avoid becoming a statistic. ; First the focus is on you, the student. This course helps you understand who you are and how you contribute to a relationship as this is half of the battle. ; Then the focus shifts to both of you. The importance of finding your WHY, what keeps you together, how to focus on the main issues and what to do next.


AFTER COURSE COUNSELING Home - ENROLLMENT - AFTER COURSE COUNSELING 정보작성 학생 이름 학생 연락처 학생 성별 남학생 여학생 학교명 학년 학교성적 (과목별 성적) 학부모 연락처 이메일 주소 해외거주 경험 예 아니오 시민권...

Integral Vedic Counseling Course | American Institute of Vedic Studies

Learn the ancient art of Vedic Counseling and Life-Guidance to live a Vedic life based upon Dharmic values and right management of your Karma. Learn how the Vedic Sciences of Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda, Jyotish and Vastu fit together into an integral model of optimal well-being and Self-realization. Add Vedic Counseling to your teaching or healing work. Vedic Counseling is the ancient Vedic art and science of life guidance for body, mind and consciousness. It is the basis for all Vedic teaching and...

Our Courses - Institute for Nouthetic Studies | Biblical Counseling

Students who complete all 11 online courses will be issued a Biblical Counseling Fundamentals Training Certificate which will indicate completion of the course of study with us. For those...

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