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Cord blood stem cells medicine - RISS 검색 - 단행본 상세보기

Navarrete, Cristina 발행사항 Amsterdam : Elsevier, Academic Press, 2015 발행연도 2015 작성언어 영어 주제어 Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation ; Fetal Blood ; Regenerative...

Cord Colitis Syndrome in Cord-Blood Stem-Cell Transplantation | New England Journal of Medicine

After the transplantation and engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical-cord blood, we observed a new syndrome of culture-negative, antibiotic-responsive diarrhea not attributable to any known cause. Methods : We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all patients undergoing cord-blood HSCT at our center between March 2003 and March 2010. The cord colitis syndrome was defined as a persistent diarrheal illness in such patients that was not due to acute GVHD, viral or bacterial inf...

Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Stem Cell - 글로벌 세포치료제 선도기업

Business ; Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Stem Cell · Stem Cell Therapy · Stem Cell Conditioned Media · Stem Cell Culture Media · Cell Freezing and Thawing Platform · CDMO · Health & Beauty(H&B) Business

Cord blood characteristics : role in stem cell transplantation

Fetal blood DDC 615.39 판사항(21) ISBN 1853177946 자료형태 일반단행본 발행국(도시) England 서명/저자사항 Cord blood characteristics : role in stem cell transplantation / edited by Shara...

Cord blood stem cell transplantation

Cord blood stem cell transplantation Gangnam JS Hospital is DIFFERENT. Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Category Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Artificial Joint Surgery Surgery...

Selective advantage of mutant stem cells in human clonal hematopoiesis is associated with attenuated resp....

Highlights ; High-fidelity single-cell genotyping and transcriptomes of human clonal hematopoiesis ; Most clonal expansion occurs in HSCs; TET2 ; HSCs from CH samples show increased inflammation and aging-related gene expression ; These deleterious effects are attenuated in DNMT3A

Cord blood stem cells: worth the investment | Nature Reviews Cancer

Factors associated with blood cord unit bankability: an analysis of a 15-year-long case series Isabella Di Tullio Danila Azzolina Dario Gregori Cell and Tissue Banking (2020) Stem cell...

Cord blood banking: Experts raise concern over claims made for stem cell applications | The BMJ

from cord blood (box 2) are a form of adult stem cell and that there is a “restricted repertoire” of what they’re able to develop into—namely, blood cells for HSCs and connective...

FDA Approves Cell Therapy for Patients with Blood Cancers to Reduce Risk of Infection Following Stem Cell....

FDA approves Omisirge (omidubicel-onlv), a nicotinamide modified allogeneic (donor) cord blood-based cell therapy to quicken the recovery time of neutrophils (a subset of white blood cells) in the...

Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Repair: Cell Stem Cell

Spinal cord injury typically results in permanent disability. Many studies have indicated that transplantation of several different types of stem cells promotes functional recovery in animal models...

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