Want to register a Construction Company? We register your Construction Company ASAP at CIPC, SARS, CIDB and NHBRC. Starting @ R880.
This RIB guide provides tips and resources on how to start a construction company in the UK, the US and South Africa. Learn more here!
Personal Identification, User ID ; Malaysian Identity Card, Employer ID or Individual ID ; Passport with PLKS/ EP Permit, Employer ID Only ; IMM13P Pass, Employer ID Only
Registration of Construction Company
We will become one of the pioneers in high-tech industrial society · Prior to the establishment of the company, IAN GEOTEC established a technical research team on the production of GEOSYNTHETICS and obtained patents on production machinery and manufacturing methods through continuous research and study with universities and local research institutes. Throughout the advanced production technique, we are equipped with P.P and P.E.T MAT production facilities with maximum production efficiency wh...
Mechanical Facility Work ; Metal StructuresㆍWindows & Doors Work ; Gas Facilities Construction Work ; Professional Fire Fighting Facilities Construction ; Civil Engineering Works ; New Renewable Energy Facilities Installation Specialist
Construction contractor registration renewals and applications are processed in the order received. The applicant will receive email communication when the renewal or application is processed and a...
25, SUNNIL ELECOMM CERTIFICATE, 마커스코리아, 2019.11.08 ; 24, Certification of International Contractor, 마커스코리아, 2016.01.12 ; 23, Confirmation for the priority procurement recommendations, 마커스코리아, 2015.09.21 ; 22, CERTIFICATE OF PATENT, MARKERSKOREA, 2015.07.27 ; 21, CERTIFICATE OF PATENT, 마커스코리아, 2015.07.13 ; 20, Electrical Construction Business registration certificates, 마커스코리아, 2015.05.18 ; 19, CERTIFICATE OF PATENT - Smart PB Flume Flowmeter, 마커스코리아, 2015.02.09 ; 18, KROHNE CERTIFICATE OF DISTRIBUTORSHIP, 마커스코리아, 2014.06.03 ; 17, Automatic control panel _ Direct production certificate, 마커스코리아, 2014.01.13 ; 16, Instrumentation(Measurement) and Controls _ Direct production certific.., 마커스코리아, 2014.01.13
Setting up a construction company in Indonesia can be more efficient and cost-effective with InCorp' Business Setup service solution.
Company Name (Korean), 현대건설(주) ; Company Name (English), HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD ; Company Code, 000720 ; Representative, ; Market Listing, KOSPI Market ; Corporation Registration Number, 110111-0007909 ; Taxpayer Identification Number, 101-81-16293 ; Address, ; Website, www.hdec.kr ; IR Website, ; Telephone, 02-746-1114 ; Fax, 02-746-4846 ; Industry, Construction of highways, streets and roads ; Establishment Date, 1950-01-10 ; Ending Month of FY, 12