I'm attempting to set up a Virtual Network in Windows Azure and use it to avoid opening a public endpoint on my (CUSTOM) SQL Server Virtual Machine. However, I continuously get a network related er...
Helps solve an issue where users in a different subnet are unable to connect to the virtual server after a failover from one cluster node to another.
I have successfully connected to a SQL Server 2000 database on a Virtual Machine, via DSN, using a straightforward conn = pyodbc.connect(f"DSN={DSN}; UID={UName}; PWD={Pwd}") However, when
Tested with commit a0a25a6 VirtualBox implements its own RDP server displaying its guest OS. FreeRDP does not work with this server. MS Remote Desktop client (for mac) works fine. Show connected, b...
This is a tutorial on how to connect to your virtual private server using VNC. This guide uses UltraVNC to connect to the VPS.
I am trying to configure a U22.04 desktop running under virtual box as a file server, with a W11 client. I have installed a VBox bridged adaptor. I have installed samba, open-ssh and sftpd. I am
I have a virtual server running Server 2019 that will not let me connect to it. I either get a black screen that never responds or I get an error message that says: "This computer cant connect to the
I mounted a new VirtualBox Machine with Vagrant, and inside that VM I installed Mysql Server. How can I connect to that server outside the vm? I already forward the port 3306 of the Vagrantfile , but
Administrators can use the built-in HP Virtual Connect Manager for small configurations or the HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager for larger environments to define a server connection...
Description Last year, I was using the SSH connection to our Windows Server 2019 Virtual Machine (hosted on Azure). That server has not had its configuration updated, yet now my remote-ssh connecti...