Definition of collocated in English Dictionary ; BF : collocate, SG : collocates, PR : collocating, SUF : -ated
Recent Examples on the Web ; In the aftermath of the pandemic, IBM simply reopened 100 office locations across the country to see how individual employees and teams would use the opportunity to · collocate. Amy Edmondson, WIRED, 8 Jan. 2024 ; Those influences informed the book’s free-flowing, kinetic layouts, which deliberately collocate images and text from across the decades (and even centuries)—meaning you can open the book at any point and find a way in. Liam Hess, Vogue, 15 Dec. 2022
verb (used without object), col·lo·cat·ed, col·lo·cat·ing. Linguistics. to enter into a collocation. ; noun · Linguistics. a lexical item that collocates with another.
1. The act of collocating or the state of being collocated. (ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃən) ; 1. the act of collocating. The physical placement of two or more detachments, units, organizations, or facilities at a specifically defined location. Collocation
(kŏl′ə-kāt′) ; (ˈkɒləˌkeɪt) ; 1. to arrange in proper order, esp. to place side by side. Imperative
다른 언어로 번역 ; ml · 말라얄람어 번역 · കൂട്ടുകൂടുക ; hu · 헝가리 번역 · összeállít ; tr · 터키어 번역 · yan yana koymak
verb linguistics, translation studies (said of certain words) To be often used together, form a collocation; for example strong collocates with tea. ; verb rare To arrange or occur side by side. ; verb obsolete, transitive To set or place; to station.
ADJ. careful, close, comprehensive, detailed, in-depth, systematic, thorough | brief | objective, subjective | comparative, critical, qualitative, quantitative, statistical, theoretical | cost-benefit, discourse, economic, financial, historical, linguistic, strategic, structural, stylistic · VERB + ANALYSIS carry out, do, make, perform They carried out an in-depth analysis of the results. | give He gave a brief analysis of the present economic situation. ANALYSIS + VERB indicate sth, show sth ...
Definitions of collocate ; verb · have a strong tendency to occur side by side · “The words 'new' and 'world' collocate” · see more ; verb group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side · synonyms:chunk, lump · see more
noun ; the act of collocating. the state or manner of being collocated. the arrangement, especially of words in a sentence.