Automatic Entry to the Over the Rhine International Film Festival: "Fishbowl" by Annoying Piece of Cat (Cincinnati State) ; Cincinnati State Annoying Piece of Cat ; Cincinnati State Keeping it Reel
Video links for the pros: ; Group A: ; Group B:
Judge's Choice: "Dad's Shit" from Xavier University ; Audience Choice, Group A: "Five Bucks" from Cincinnati State ; Audience Choice Runner-Up, Group A: "Would You" from Cincinnati State
Stacker explores 50 all-time classic movies about going to college.
However, that doesn’t mean that all is lost, as there is this beautiful invention of film that has filled my sadness – the college movie. That’s right, I’m talking about movies like...
일본 전자 전문학교의 주간부 전 20 학과를 소개하는 인터랙티브 동영상입니다. 흥미가 있는 학과를 선택하고, 수업 풍경이나 재학생 인터뷰 등을 시청할 수 있습니다.
The GREATEST College Movies (WATCH)
Die größte online-Filmschule bietet auf mehreren tausend Seiten Fachwissen rund um Film, Medien, Gestaltung, Organisation und Technik, verständlich erklärt.
약 28.3만 명의 구독자를 보유한 Movie Community College의 유튜브. 약 3.6천 개의 동영상이 있습니다. Hello! Welcome to Movie Community College! This channel is hosted by...
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