How outdated technology led to inconsistent customer experiences ; A banking holding company did not have the most up-to-date technology to level up its marketing and customer experience. Tech debt led to redundancies, making it difficult to optimize operations. The team reached out to Cognizant requesting a capabilities assessment, seeking validation about their digital transformation path and help to secure buy-in for it. Cognizant worked alongside this banking company’s marketing team to co...
Collaboration in the assessment and diagnosis of preschoolers: Challenges and opportunities
저자 : Rick Dubois, 발행사항 : 서울 : 숙명여자대학교 TESOL대학원, 2018, 학위논문사항 : 학위논문(석사)-- 숙명여자대학교 TESOL대학원 : TESOL전공 2018. 8, 발행연도 : 2018, 작성언어 : 영어, 주제어 : sociocultural theory ; rubrics ; formative ; summative ; peer assessment ; peer feedback ; scaffolding ; collaboration, 발행국(도시) : 서울, 형태사항 ; 26 cm, 일반주기명 : 지도교수: Diane Rozells, UCI식별코드 : I804:11043-0000...
Discover how AI assessment development helps you collaborate. Explore the benefits of collaboration for the creation and management of high-quality assessments.
도서명: Collaboration in Language Testing and Assessment. 가격: 144,120원. 지은이: Ildiko Csepes, Dina Tsagari (지은이). 출판사: Peter Lang Pub Inc. ISBN: 9783631635292. 책 가격비교, 도서가격비교
웹사이트 : 업계 : 교육, 회사 규모 : 직원 2-10명, 본사 : WI Madison, 유형 : 자영업
An environmental impact assessment company adds smart maps to projects and speeds up collaboration, increases accuracy, and decreases costs.
Further adaptation of the process and methods is required for optimal collaboration. In the near future it can be expected that cross-border assessments will meet in particular the needs of smaller...
Positive assessment culture generally connotes the existence of conditions for collaboration among practitioners, reward structures, professional development opportunities for faculty and...
We’re WOSB-Certified & Accept Purchase Orders! ; Ages: Ages 4-7 Assessment · Format: Paperback · ISBN: 9781936943364 · Published: 2018