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Cloud Realms on Steam

Discover an incredible world full of adventures and stories waiting for you! Embark on a unique journey in Cloud Realms, where floating islands, mysterious dungeons, and sky-high civilizations awai...

macos - Realm Studio: Bad progress information (DOWNLOAD)

Realm Cloud within Realm Studio on my 2013 iMac, I get the subject error on the Realm Object Server window for my synced cloud realm instance. After clicking 'Connect to Cloud' the ROS...

MongoDB Realm Sync simplifies cloud data synchronization

MongoDB put its Realm Sync service into general availability on Feb. 2, enabling developers to synchronize mobile data with the cloud. MongoDB acquired the Realm mobile database in April 2019 and has been steadily expanding its capabilities ever since. In June 2020, the NoSQL database vendor released the MongoDB Realm platform with capabilities to enable mobile developers to build services. With the general availability of MongoDB Realm Sync, developers can now more easily synchronize data colle...

GitHub - realm/realm-cloud-functions-demo: Realm & IBM Cloud Functions demo

IBM Cloud Node.js app is constantly listening to Realm Object Server in same Kubernetes... IBM Cloud Function written in Swift Cloud Function calls Foursquare API to query restaurants given...

Sandbox Cloud Realm

Documentation ; Global infrastructure standards · Global labels and tags · Infrastructure policies

realm 20.0.0 - Flutter package

Features ; Mobile-first: Realm is the first database built from the ground up to run directly inside phones, tablets, and wearables. ; Simple: Realm’s object-oriented data model is simple to learn, doesn’t need an ORM, and the API lets you write less code to get apps up & running in minutes. ; Modern: Realm supports latest Dart and Flutter versions and is built with sound null-safety.

Realm Platform

오프라인-우선 기능을 제공하는 앱 제작 ; Realm 의 “라이브 오브젝트” 접근 방식과 임베디드 데이터베이스, 실시간 동기화 기능을 사용하면 불완전한 네트워크에서도 언제나 완벽하게 동작하는 어플리케이션을 만들 수 있습니다. Realm을 사용하면 네트워크 접속이 빠르건 불안정하건 간에 최고의 사용 경험을 제공할 수 있습니다. 현장 작업자들이나 리모트 공간에 있는 사용자...

Realm. 이 무엇인지 알아봅니다.

Introdution ; Realm은 데이터베이스의 구현체(embodiment)가 아니며, 앱 개발자의 요구에 만족하는 API로 만들어 졌습니다. Realm은 자체 엔진(custom-made engine)을 사용하고 단일 코드 행에서 데이터 베이스를 시작하고 객체를 메모리에서 읽는것 처럼 읽습니다. 평범한 진실은 iOS의 Realm은 지속성 데이터(persisting data)를 만드는 것입니다. Realm은 디스크에 JSON으로 데이터를 저장하는 단순성과,...

GitHub - iositcraft/realm_cloud: Realm Cloud simple registration and login proce

realm_cloud Realm Cloud simple registration and login process in iOS app

Latest MongoDB Atlas App Services & Realm topics - MongoDB Developer Community Forums

Topic · Replies · Views · Activity ; Concerns About Realm and Unity Support Following MongoDB Atlas Deprecation ; 1 · 84 · September 18, 2024

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