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기독교상담학 석사 Master of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The Masters level degree program for Christian Counselling will prepare students to begin working as professionals in the Counselling field. The program has been tailored to train students...

기독교상담학 박사 Doctor of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The doctoral degree program for Christian Counselling is designed to challenge and grow professional counsellors to further equip them in their skills and competencies. This program will d...

기독교상담 학사 Bachelor of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The Bachelor of Christian Counselling program is a four-year undergraduate degree program that will equip its students with the knowledge, values, and necessary competencies for an effecti...

Doctor of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The doctoral degree program for Christian Counselling is designed to challenge and grow professional counsellors to further equip them in their skills and competencies. This program will d...

Bachelor of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The Bachelor of Christian Counselling program is a four-year undergraduate degree program that will equip its students with the knowledge, values, and necessary competencies for an effecti...

Master of Christian Counselling

OVERVIEW The Masters level degree program for Christian Counselling will prepare students to begin working as professionals in the Counselling field. The program has been tailored to train students...

Embracing Professional Growth: CCAA Endorsement for Counselling Students - Christian Heritage College

July 25 2024 ; We’re excited to share a significant milestone that could shape your professional journey. Recently, the Christian Counsellors Association of Australia (CCAA) has officially endorsed our Graduate Diploma and Master’s level counselling degrees. This endorsement reflects our commitment to integrating Christian principles into our counselling education, providing you with a firm academic and spiritual foundation. So, what does this mean for you? It means a smoother pathway to bec...

Christian Counselling | One Year Certificate | Canada Christian College

The One Year Certificate in Christian Counselling program equips students with the knowledge, values, and competencies for ministry in church counselling.

무료 상담 튜토리얼 - Introduction to Christian Addiction Counseling

Describe each of five approaches to Counseling and Christianity including: Levels-of-Explanation, Integration, Christian Psychology, Transformational Counseling and Biblical Counseling. ; Apply each of five approaches to Counseling and Christianity to a sample case: Levels-of-Explanation, Integration, Christian Psychology, Transformational Counseling and Biblical Counseling. ; Reflect on their own values and those of any organization they may work for to assess which model of Christian counseling may be the best fit in various contexts and with various clients

Christian Counselling Department | Canada Christian College

EXPLORE PROGRAMS ; BACHELOR : Bachelor of Christian Counselling, MASTERS : Master of Christian Counselling, DOCTOR : Doctor of Christian Counselling, CERTIFICATE : Christian Counselling

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