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Rains County Resources – Andrews Center

Agency, Phone Number, Web Site, Description ; 211 Texas Referral Hotline, 211, www.211Texas.org, Enter a zip code and find local resources for housing, employment, food, veterans, crisis/emergency, income/expenses, legal aid/victims, criminal justice, aging/disability, health/medical, mental health, and child care/education ; Find Help, online, www.findhelp.org, An amazing website that has a HUGE amount of resources determined by zip code. ; Adult Probation, 903-567-4066, www.vanzandtcounty.org, ; Angel Reach, 936-202-8498, http://angelreach.org/welcome/, Goal is to break the generational cycle of abuse, neglect, and homelessness so that the lives of current and former foster youth can be enhanced. ; Arrow Child and Family Ministries, 877-922-7769, www.arrow.org/texas/, ; Assurance Wireless, 888-898-4888, http://www.assurancewireless.com/Public/Welcome.aspx, Free phone, minutes, texts and data for qualifying persons ; Attorney General's Office, 800-252-8014, https://childsupport.oag.state.tx.us/wps/portal/csi, Child Support Division ; Texas Legal Service Center, 888-343-4414, www.tlsc.org, Dedicated to providing statewide free legal services to crime victims through legal advocacy and training. ; CDC Info, 800-232-4636, https://www.cdc.gov/, Various disease information ; Crime Victims Legal Hotline, 800-622-2520 or 512-477-3950, , Legal counsel for military (including spouses and dependants); 60+ years old; Medicare ; Crime Victims Services Unit, 903-385-4737, www.crmtx.org, Provides crisis intervention to victims of crime throughout the criminal justice process. Services are provided free of charge to primary and secondary victims throughout the East Texas Area. ; Dating/Family Violence Legal Hotline, 800-374-HOPE, , ; ART- Autisum Response Team, 877-215-2299, responseteam.com, Autism Services ; Health and Human Services, 903-756-3498 or 903-756-7935, https://hhs.texas.gov/, Medicaid for families and children; long-term care for people who are older or who have disabilities; SNAP food benefits and TANF cash assistance for families; behavioral health services; services to keep elderly or disabled in their homes and communities; women and other services with special health needs. ; Rains County Indigent Care, 903-473-5019, https://www.co.rains.tx.us/page/rains.Indigent, Cover medical care for those who don't have insurance if under the 21% of poverty income level. ; LGBTQ, 817-689-7951, http://www.lgbtqsaves.org/, LGBTQ S.A.V.E.S workes to provide LGBTQ students and their families with resources related to LGBTQ issues and with safe spaces for social and personal development. ; Lone Star Legal Aid, 903-595-4781 or 800-248-0048, http://www.lonestarlegal.org/Tyler.pl, Legal help in a wide variety of areas. ; Medicaid Hotline, 800-252-8263, www.YourTexasBenefits.org, ; National Domestic Violence Hotline, 800-799-7233, http://www.thehotline.org/, ; National Runaway Hotline, 800-786-2929, http://www.1800runaway.org/, ; National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 800-273-8255- call or text 988, 988lifeline.org, 988lifeline.org or text 988 ; Sexual Assault Legal Hotline, 888-296-SAFE, , ; National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline, 866-331-9474, www.loveisrespect.org, Live chat available ; Parenting Teens, 855-378-4373, http://www.drugfree.org/resources/, ; PFLAG, 903-372-9524, https://www.pflag.org/, LGBT Support Group ; LASSA, 1-844-303-7233, https://lassatexas.org/, Legal aid for sexual assault suvivors ; Qlink, 855-754-6543, https://qlinkwireless.com/, Q Link Wireless provides a free cell phone with free monthly minutes to eligible Lifeline subscribers. You may qualify for Lifeline through Q Link Wireless if you participate in a government benefit program like Medicaid, Food Stamps (SNAP), SSI, Welfare or qualify based on income. ; Rains County Jail, 903-473-3181, http://www.sheriffstx.org/county_map/county/2713, ; Social Security, 800-772-1213, https://www.ssa.gov/, ; Special Health Resources for Texas, Inc., 903-501-1747, https://www.specialhealth.org/, Provides affordable, comprehensive health care for your entire family. Our services include adult and pediatric primary care, adult and pediatric dental care, women’s health, immunizations and vaccinations, STD and HIV/AIDS screening and treatment, as well as mental health services and substance abuse treatment for the LBGTQ community, parents and adolescents and opioid use.

State Guidelines & Calculators | Children's Rights Council

Child Support Guidelines & Calculators · Child support calculations differ by state, within the framework of a federal mandate. Judges do not meet in private to calculate child support. Rather, the Court makes a calculation using a formula set by their state. Find state guidelines and calculators below. Find state-by-state enforcement divisions in a separate section. ALABAMA · ALASKA · ARIZONA · ARKANSAS · CALIFORNIA · COLORADO · CONNECTICUT · DELAWARE · DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ·...

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state.tx.us/statutes/docs/FA/content/htm/fa.005.00.000154.00.htm (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.... nz/childsupport/background/ (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) app.subcourts.gov.sg/family/faq.aspx?pageid=3703...

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com/article/2011/07/28/us-crime-dna-arkansas-idUSTRE76R0D920110728 (6558, -1, X, X- R/X/L)... gov/hhes/www/childsupport/childsupport.html (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.census.gov/prod/2006pubs...


gov/cs/welcome-to-the-child-support-division • Apply for Child Support - Apply online at https://childsupport.oag.state.tx.us For questions regarding the application process (800) 252...

Child Support in Texas | Office of the Attorney General

Who We Are · Our mission and values are reflected in everything we do--always in support of Texas families. ; Get Started with Child Support · Ready to open a child support case? Here are your next steps. ; About Your Online Account · What you need to know about the online tool for managing your child support case.

Talk:Child support in the United States

org/web/20090929181652/https://childsupport.dhs.state.ia.us/welcome.asp to https... org/web/20050901143430/http://www.oag.state.tx.us/child/faq.shtml to http://www.oag.state.tx.us/child...

District Clerk - Panola County, Texas

Standing Orders & Local Rules · ▲ ; Fees · ▲ ; Forms · ▲ ; Jury · ▲ ; Electronic Filing · ▲ ; Self Help Resources · ▲ ; Passport Information · ▲ ; Attorney General · ▲ ; Case Records Search · ▲ ; Appointments and Fees Report · ▲ ; Payment Options · ▲ ; Appeals · ▲

Center for Family Policy and Practice

R A C H E L D U R F E E Center for Family Policy and Practice A Look at Arrests of Low-Income Fathers for Child Support Nonpayment Enforcement, Court and Program Practices J A N U A R Y 2 0...

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