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Find a Local Office | CA Child Support Services

FIND A LOCAL OFFICE Child Support Agencies in California The child support agencies in California are listed by county and each listing is also a link that will connect you to the county or...

Child Support Arrears Estimator

Number of Cases · Monthly Payment Amount · Payment Made Today ; Months to Pay Off Debt · Today's Date

Calculate Child Support | CA Child Support Services

The California Child Support Guideline Calculator is based on the same child support legal guidelines used in California courts, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case. The county child support commissioner or family law judge has the final authority to determine the amount of a child support order. This calculator provides only an estimate and is not a guarantee of the amount of child support that will be ordered. Many factors may affect the amo...

Self-Help Resources | Superior Court of California | County of Solano

Solano County · Provides complete county department information. California State Judicial Council · Provides a wealth of information about the judicial system. Provides links to other California Courts. California State Judicial Council Forms · Downloadable Judicial Council forms; some forms may be completed electronically on-site. California Rules Of Court · Rules that govern court procedures in California. Solano County Rules Of Court · California Codes · California statutes, orga...

Enroll in Services | CA Child Support Services

Who Can Enroll · Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. If you already have a court order, Child Support Services offers neutral assistance with every part of the process, keeps records, and helps both parties stay on track. If you do not have an order, enrolling in services means your local child support agency will help you locate the other parent, establish legal paternity/parentage if required, get a court order and see...

Online Case Information | CA Child Support Services

Customer Connect ; Customer Connect is California Child Support’s self-service platform, giving you 24-7 access to the information you need about your case. You will need your Participant ID (PAR ID) to register or log in. Your PAR ID can be found on most letters sent from California Child Support Services to case participants, usually at the top of the page. Our secure, self-service website allows you to contact your caseworker, receive reminders and updates, see your payment history and othe...

Contact Us | CA Child Support Services

This is an automated phone service ; You can choose from options that will direct you to an employee at a call center or a caseworker at your local county ; Various language options are available

캘리포니아 아동 지원 가이드라인 검토

캘리포니아주 아동 지원 지침은 "확실히" (그러나 반증할 수 있는) 정확하고 다음과 같은 원칙이나 목표를 지향한다. [3] ; (a) 부모의 첫 번째 및 주된 의무는 부모의 상황과 삶의 위치에 따라 미성년 자녀를 부양하는 것이다. ; (b) 양친은 자녀 양육에 대해 상호 책임을 진다. ; (c) 본 가이드라인은 각 부모의 실제 수입과 자녀에 대한 책임 수준을 고려한다.

Community Services | Superior Court of California | County of Sonoma

Just dial 211. It's that easy! ; Or search for services at their website at www.211sonoma.org · California Department of Child Support Services: A child support guideline calculator can be accessed via the internet to estimate the amount of child support that can be ordered in a case. Go to the Guideline Calculator section from the following website: www.childsup.cahwnet.gov · Family Law Facilitator/Self Help Center: See information at the Family Law Facilitator page · Sonoma County Depart...

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/essentials_for_childhood_framework.pdf 8 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Resource for Action Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect is a Priority Child...

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