Can you please tell me if there is a way to check if there is a internet connection in my computer when my C# program is running. For a simple example, if internet is working, I would output a mes...
I have the following code for checking internet connection wifi/EDGE/GPRS/3G on my application. the code is public static boolean checkConn(Context ctx) { ConnectivityManager conMgr = (
While working with large codebase for legacy applications, whenever I have seen a piece of code that checks whether an internet connection is active or not, I have mostly seen the uses of functions...
I am developing an Android broadcast receiver for checking the internet connection. The problem is that my broadcast receiver is being called two times. I want it to get called only when the networ...
WIFI_STATE_CHANGED" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> When I run my app, which relies on the internet, and shut off the connection, shouldn't I be getting a Toast message that says...
EricoDeMecha ; Cobra91151 Absolutely! But what happens when goes out of business? ;-) ; In such case he can use his own website or other websites, for example: "" (cloudflare) instead of "". :) ; Cobra91151 CloudFlare is now a Google Cloud Platform Technology Partner So they will be brought down with Google :D ; Ok, good point. I would suggest to use one of the Public DNS Server from this list: ;-) ...
I use a dongle for connecting to the internet while I am using my android app with the emulator and I use a Broadcast receiver for checking the connection. But it always give me the result "Netwo...
I'm working on an application that uses internet so I need to check if there is an internet connection at the load of the application so I use this function: def is_connected(): try: ...
I use the following code for checking my internet connection. private boolean haveNetworkConnection() { boolean haveConnectedWifi = false; boolean haveConnectedMobile = false; ...
I know how to check for internet connectivity when my app is open using activity. But how to check for connectivity in service when my app is not running?