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School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Annual Report 2010

edu School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Annual Report 2010 Medicine, Nursing and... Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) Trials Group 18 The Australian and New Zealand...

Understanding the Influence of Socioeconomic Environment on Paediatric Antiretro - 전자자원 상세

Understanding the Influence of Socioeconomic Environment on Paediatric Antiretroviral Treatment Coverage: Towards Closing Treatment Gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bankole Olatosi - ResearchGate

Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors Article Full-text available Jun 2022 Chamberline E. Ozigbu Bankole Olatosi Zhenlong Li [...] Nicole L. Hair Despite ongoing efforts to improve...

Library | Western Michigan University

Author, Title, Year, Category ; Richard, Michael/Mann, John, Exploring Social Space, 1973, Sociology ; Perry, John/Perry, Erna, The Social Web, 1983, Sociology ; Heise, David, Sociological Methodology, 1975, Sociology ; Robertson, Ian, Additional Test Bank/Sociology, 1988, Sociology ; Tischler, Henry, Instructor's Manual/Introduction to Sociology, 1993, Sociology ; Tischler, Henry, Test to Accompany/Introduction to Sociology, 1993, Sociology ; Lilly,Robert, Sociology An Introduction, 1984, Sociology ; Whitten, Phillip, Annual Editions Readings in sociology, 1972, Sociology ; Scherer, Jacqueline, Sociology, 1983, Sociology ; Robertson, Ian, Instructor's Manual/Introduction to Sociology, 1987, Sociology ; Barringer, Herbert/Mack, Raymond/Blanksten, George, Social Change In Developing Areas, 1965, Sociology ; Slocum, Walter, Occupational Careers, 1966, Sociology ; Morrill, Peter, Instructor's Manual/Sociology An Introduction, 1991, Sociology ; Hobbs, Donald/Blank, Stuart, Instructor's Manual/Sociology and The Human Exp., 1985, Sociology ; Lewis, George, Side-Saddle On The Golden Calf, 1972, Sociology ; Bendix, Reinhard, Work and Authority In Industry, 1956, Sociology ; Cargan and Ballantine, Sociological Footprints/Intro Reading in Sociology, 1985, Sociology ; Strumpel, Burkhard, Economic Means for Human Needs, 1976, Sociology ; Hoover, Kenneth, The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking, 1980, Sociology ; Sheskin, Arlene, Cryonics/A Sociology of Death and Bereavement, 1979, Sociology ; Lamont, Corliss, The Philosophy of Humanism, 1977, Philosophy ; Wallace, Walter, The Logic of Science in Sociology, 1971, Sociology ; Arney, William, Understanding Statistics in the Social Sciences, 1990, Sociology ; Floud, Jean/Goldthorpe, John, The Sociology of Fertility, 1970, Sociology ; Abrahamson, Mark, Instructor's Manual/Urban Sociolgy, 1980, Sociology ; Glenn, Norval, Contemporary Sociology, 1979, Sociology ; Hall, Calvin/Lindzey, Gardner, Theories of Personality, 1957, Sociology ; Merton, Robert, Social Theory and Social Structure, 1957, Sociology ; Bensman, Joseph/Rosenberg, Bernard, Mass, Class, and Bureaucracy, 1963, Sociology ; Cuzzort, R.P., Humanity and Modern Sociological Thought, 1969, Sociology ; Landis, Judson, Sociology/Concepts and Characteristics, 1980, Sociology ; Hall, Edward, The Hidden Dimension, 1951, Sociology ; Colfax, David/Roach, Jack, Radical Sociology, 1971, Sociology ; Gustafson, Clair/Becker, Leonard, Encounter with Sociology The Term Paper, 1968, Sociology ; Helfer, Ray/Kempe, Henry, The Battered Child, 1974, Sociology ; Merton, Robert/Broom, Leonard/Cottrell,Leonard, Sociology Today, 1959, Sociology ; Kurtz, Russell, Social Work Year Book, 1954, Sociology ; Newman, William/Boedreau, Frances, Understanding Social Life, 1993, Sociology ; Jones, Brian/Gallagher, Bernard/McFalls, Joseph, Sociology Micro, Macro, and Mega Structures, 1995, Sociology ; Deane, Peter/Wilson, Judith, The Developing Person Through Chilhood and Adolescence, 1980, Sociology ; Stark, Rodney, Sociology, 1987, Sociology ; Inkeles, Alex, What is Sociology?, 1964, Sociology ; Leik, Robert, Methods, Logic, and research of Sociology, 1972, Sociology ; Walker, Lewis/Hunt, Chester, Ethnic Dynamics, 1979, Sociology ; Barringer, Herbert/Mack, Raymond/Blanksten, George, Social Change In Developing Areas, 1965, Sociology ; Abrahamson, Mark, Urban Sociology, 1980, Sociology ; Baltzell, Bottomore, Varieties of Political Expression in Sociology, 1972, Sociology ; Abrahamson, Mark, The Fundingof social Knowledge Production and Application, 1978, Sociology ; M.E. Platt, Annual Review of Sociology, 1978, Sociology ; Hoult., Thomas, Sociology Readings, 1974, Sociology ; Bahr, Howard/Chadwick, Bruce/Day, Robert, Native Americans Today:Sociological Perspectives, 1972, Sociology ; Robboy, Howard/Clark, Candace, Social Interaction/Readings in Sociology, 1983, Sociology ; Brill, Naomi, Working Eith People, 1978, Sociology ; Zigler, Edward/Stevenson, Matia, Children Development and Social Issues, 1986, Sociology ; Weiss, John/Wright, Burton, Social Problems, 1980, Sociology ; Henslin, James, Sociology A Down to Earth Approach, 1999, Sociology ; Etzioni, Amaitai/Lehman, Edward, A Sociological Reader on Complex Organizations, 1980, Sociology ; Broom, Leonard/Selznick, Philip, Darroch, Dorothy, Sociology, 1981, Sociology ; Hinkle, Roscoe/Hinkle, Gisela, The Development of Modern Society, 1954, Sociology ; Sumner, William, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1954, Sociology ; H.R. Schaffer, The Growth of Sociability, 1971, Sociology ; Danziger, Kurt, Socialization, 1971, Sociology ; Mchugh, Peter/Raffel, Stanley/Foss, Daniel/Blum, Alan, On the Beginning of Social Inquiry, 1974, Sociology ; Hunt, Chester/Horton, Paul, Sociology, 1980, Sociology ; Ferrante, Joan, Sociology A Glogal Perspective, 1992, Sociology ; Petersen, William, American Social Patterns, 1956, Sociology ; Carson, Robert, Interaction Concepts of Personality, 1969, Sociology ; Blalock Jr., Hubert/Blalock, Ann, Methodology in Social Research, 1968, Sociology ; Ford, James, Social Problems and Social Policy, 1923, Sociology ; Petersen, William, American Social Patterns, 1956, Sociology ; Zanden, James, Sociology The Core, 1993, Sociology ; Thompson, William/Bynum, Jack, Juvenile Deliquency A Sociological Approach, 1996, Sociology ; Ermann, David M./ Lundman Richard J., Corporate and Governmental Deviance, 1978, Sociology ; Simon, Herbert A., The Shape of Autimation for Men Management, 1965, Sociology ; Richardson, Elliot, Bicentennial Statistics, 1976, Sociology ; Bower, Eli M., Teachers talk About Their Feelings, 1973, Sociology ; Elliston, Fedrick/ Keenan, John/ Lockhart, Paula/ Schaick, Jane van, Whistlerblowing Research, 1985, Sociology ; Benvenisle, Guy, Bureacracy, 1977, Sociology ; Simon, Herbert A., Administrative Behavior, 1945, Sociology ; Beshers, James M., Population Processess in Social Systems, 1967, Sociology ; Adams, Ruth/ Cullen, Susan, The Final Epidemic, 1981, Sociology ; Ledogar, Robert J., Hungry For Profits, 1975, Unknown (1 of 7) ; Rule, James B., Insight and Social Betterment, 1978, Unknown ; Schumacher, Dorin, Get Funded, 1992, Unknown ; Behling, John H., Guidelines for Preparing The Research Proposal, 1984, Unknown ; Sinclair, James P., How to Write successful Corporate Appeals with Full Ex., 1982, Unknown ; National Inst. Of Health, Helpful Hints (Books are Green and Purple), Unknown ; Patchen, Martin, Participation Achievement and Involvement, 1970, Unknown ; Herskovits, Melville J., The Human Factor In Changing Africa, 1958, Unknown ; Eckstein, Richard M., Diretory of grants for Organization Serving People with Disabilites, 1993, Unknown ; Eckstein, Richard M., Computer & High Technology Grants, 1994, Unknown ; Berelson, Bernard/ Janowitz, Morris, Public Opinion and Comunication, 1996, Unknown ; Teich, Albert H., Technology and Man's Future, 1972, Unknown ; Evan, William M., Organizational Experiments, 1971, Unknown ; Reiss, Ira L., Reading on the Family System, 1972, Unknown ; Teich, Albert H., Technology and Man's Future, 1977, Unknown ; Lucas, Ann F., Leading American Change, 2000, Unknown ; , Eigth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 1956, Unknown ; Wm. H. Wise & Co., Inc, Encyclopedia Of U.S. Government Benefits, 1975, Unknown

Meirion Rhys Evans - ResearchGate

School of Medicine, Cardiff University. Meirion does research in Epidemiology, Infectious... Evans Chamberline Ozigbu [...] Dick Chamla Objective: Many sub-Saharan African countries have...


University College of Osteopathic Medicine, United States Mehar Maju University of Washington... Chemistry, Nursing, Agriculture, and Plant Sciences. The core philosophy of Magnus Group...


COLONIAL AMERICA - 1607-1783 STATE LIBRARY OF PENNSYLVANIA... Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of...

영국 도시재생 정책의 실체

국토연구원 도시재생지원센터 영국 도시재생 정책의 실체 양 도 식 도시재생(Urban Regeneration)은 정주공간과 인문환경의 창조적 재편 과정 이다. 이로 인해, 도시재생은 자본주의와 민주주의의 정통적...

Mentoring Interventions to Affect Juvenile Delinquency and Associated Problems: A Systematic Review - Tol....

Mentoring is one of the most commonly used interventions to prevent, divert, and remediate youth engaged in, or thought to be at risk for delinquent behavior, school failure, aggression, or other antisocial behavior. In this update we report on a meta-analytic review of selective and indicated mentoring interventions that have been evaluated for their effects on delinquency outcomes for youth (e.g., arrest or conviction as a delinquent, self-reported involvement) and key associated outcomes (agg...

Web-Based and Traditional Public Participation in Comprehensive Planning: A Comp

The present paper examines whether the potential advantages of the expanding practice of web-based public participation only complement the benefits of the traditional techniques, or...

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