It doesn't sound like a bank's typical answer, you are not liable for the vehicle after the discharge of the bankruptcy, however since the bank still holds the title, they will probably write off t...
In contrast to bankruptcy under Chapter 11 and Chapter 13, which govern the process of reorganization of a debtor, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common form of bankruptcy in the U.S. For...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings in Massachusetts surged 58 percent in the second quarter from the same months last year, according a new report from The Warren Group. “The dramatic jump in bankruptcy...
In a personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case, you will usually be able to totally discharge (to release from the obligation to pay) the following types of debts.
Now, AppleInsider reports that, based on an email sent by StorCentric, the bankruptcy shifted from reorganization-minded Chapter 11 to liquidation-focused Chapter 7 in late April. The...
File Chapter 7 bankruptcy with $0 DOWN Las Vegas with BK Attorney Erik Severino. Free consults. Experienced chapter 7 lawyer in Nevada. Call (702) 370-0155,
We show that the decline in Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings is primarily associated with a rise in insolvency, and that insolvency is associated with worse outcomes than bankruptcy, in terms...
Bankruptcy - Know Your Rights! ; A Guide to Bankruptcy Law · Bankruptcy is a serious process and can be a powerful way to shield debtors from any further debt collection efforts. Bankruptcy Law Handbook · Bankruptcy provides debt relief to individuals and businesses that have too much debt for them to handle. Common Questions About Bankruptcy · Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding that helps some people who cannot pay their bills get a fresh financial start by temporarily, or permanently, prev...
StorCentric has shifted to Chapter 7 bankruptcy after failing to find a buyer or reorganize its company after COVID-19, leaving Drobo and Retrospect customers without any information.
In process of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy — I am planning to surrender my house,car,two unsecured debts, and some medical bills. Question what will happen with my house, we can no longer afford to…