I've had to fight to get a mainstream education and I'm proud of what my cerebral palsy has helped me achieve
Most children with cerebral palsy grow up to be adults. The neurological injury caused by cerebral palsy does not change during adulthood, but impairments caused by the condition may worsen over th...
결과내 검색 검색어 [키워드: "Cerebral Palsy"] 총 50,245건 ※ 중복 레코드가 제거된 검색 결과가 표시됩니다. 1/5,025 페이지 검색결과수정 검색범위 Full Text내...
The Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand supports New Zealanders diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
뇌성마비, cerebral palsy 진 료 과 | 소아청소년과, 신경과, 재활의학과 관련키워드 | 시력장애, 청력손상, 호흡기 합병증, 사망 정의 미성숙한 뇌에 손상이 가해져서 생기는 행동과 자세의 이상을 말한다. 뇌성 마비는 특정한 질환은 아니며 행동과 자세에 이상을 보이는 모든 질환군을 이르는 일반적인 용어로, 출생 전이나 출생하는 동안 그리고...
For Jennifer Nekesa, the path to understanding her daughter’s condition was a long and winding road fraught with challenges. ; As a first-time mother raising a child with special needs, Nekesa found herself navigating uncharted territory, a maze of medical complexities associated with societal stigma. ; During the early signs of her pregnancy, Nekesa faced unexpected complications. ; “There was a sudden increase in the baby’s weight, necessitating an early delivery. Upon Patience’s arrival, the newborn was so exhausted that she didn’t even cry,” she says.
When you move around estates in Nairobi, you will not miss to spot salons operating side by side and most of them cannot effectively cater for clients with special needs. In Donholm Phase 8, one salon stands out: the BM Cerebral Palsy Salon. It was opened in March to create a safe space for persons living with cerebral palsy to have their hair done. The salon offers employment to caregivers of children with the condition. Christine Arunga Mutola owns the salon. It is supported by the Barrack Museka Foundation which she founded to pay homage to ...
Cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is not a single disorder. Rather, it is a group of disorders that affect the brain at some time before a child is one month old, resulting in a lack of normal...
Cerebral Palsy Programme ; Cerebral Palsy Aetiology and Pathology ; Cerebral Visual Impairment and Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy can be caused by abnormal brain development, often before birth and can cause severe physical disability.