Addicted to your smartphone? Understand the symptoms of cell phone and internet addiction and how to overcome compulsive use.
What Is Phone Addiction? ; Chronic phone use can also cause other physical dysfunctions, like GABA (a neurotransmitter in the brain) dysfunction and a loss of grey matter in the brain, which are highly correlated to substance use disorders. Chronic phone overuse is proven to change reward circuits in the brain chemically. One of the primary affected neurotransmitters is gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that produces a calming or euphoric effect. It can even ...
There's little doubt that excessive smartphone use is a problem for many people. What are the symptoms of cell phone addiction, and what can you do to break the addiction?
In this guide on we cover signs, symptoms, physical and psychological effects of cell phone addiction.
Cell phones have become an essential accessory for most people. As an integral part of the modern world, your smartphone acts as your navigator, personal assistant, and entertainment source. Other connected devices, such as tablets, have also become household fixtures for many families. Americans spend an average of 5.4 hours per day on their phones. Many smartphone users can regulate the amount of time they spend staring at their screen. They’re still able to engage in social situations and p...
Cell phone addiction may lead to physical and mental problems. Learn the signs and how to help a young person overcome unhealthy smartphone habits.
While cell phones are integral to our daily lives and have numerous benefits, many people... consider phone addiction symptoms that can have negative effects on well-being. According to...
Excessive phone use, also called cell phone addiction, may be resolved by monitoring screen time or removing your phone from your bedroom. Learn more.
How Your Cell Phone Might Affect Your Brain Research suggests smartphones impact the brain in a variety of ways By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Updated on September 13, 2023 Medically reviewed by...
In this BankMyCell report we explore: Key smartphone addiction statistics · Time spent per day using smartphones · Children and phone addiction · How smartphone usage impacts your health · How to break up with your cell phone addiction · Addiction solutions via an operating system