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Course # : 33279, Class : WGSS 301, Title : Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Societies, Instructor : Kit-Bacon Gressitt, Meeting Day(s) : Tuesdays, Meeting Time : 1-5:30pm, Location : Hybrid-Online & CSUSM MSJC 228, Requirement Designation : CC
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Cohort program · Benefit from immediate peer support, individualized attention, guaranteed placement in courses, guaranteed time to completion, small classes and more ; Prepare for your dream job · Prepare for a career in public health, fitness education, wellness coaching, health research, community health advocacy and graduate work in public health, nursing, kinesiology and health science ; Range of topics · Program topics include motor control, exercise fitness, nutrition, anatomy and p...
Course #, Class, Title, Instructor ; 23245, AMD 251, Introduction to Digital Media and Arts, Lucy HG Solomon ; 23153, ANTH 301, Culture and Medicine: Healers and Healing Practices, Laurette McGuire ; 23771, ASTR 342, Elements of Astronomy, Michael Burin ; 22683, BIOL 316, Biology of Cancer, Lyndsey Robertson ; 22718, CHEM 311, Chemicals and the Environment, Selakilli Thiyagarajah ; 22719, CHEM 315, Science in Film and TV, Sajith Jayasinghe ; 23162, COMM 430, Power, Discourse and Social Identity, Robert Gutierrez ; 23163, COMM 460, Visual Communication and Rhetoric, Antonio De La Garza ; 22695, CS 311, Data Structures and Algorithms, Md Lutfor Rahman ; 22696, CS 443, Database Management Systems, Ahmad Hadaegh ; 22707, ECON 202, Principles of Macroeconomics, Roger Arnold ; 22706, ECON 301, Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 1, Robert Brown ; 22709, ECON 445, Gender and Development, Ranjeeta Basu ; 22697, FMST 100, Introduction to Cinema, Sandra Doller ; 23164, GEOG 201, World Regional Geography, Greig Guthey ; 23301, GES 110, Activities in Physical Science, Reza Kamali ; 23302, GES 110, Activities in Physical Science, Reza Kamali ; 23154, HIST 101, World Civilizations to 1500, Darel Engen ; 23156, HIST 130, U.S. History 1500-1877, Alan Malfavon ; 23158, HIST 131, U.S. History 1877-Present, Fernando Amador ; 23160, HIST 343, Religion in the United States, Suzanna Krivulskaya ; 22700, LTWR 355, The Middle East in Literature and Film, Salah Moukhlis ; 23161, MDIA 360, Media and Society, Joonseong Lee ; 22710, PHIL 332, Philosophy in Film, Allison Merrick ; 22712, PHIL 340, Ethics and Environment, Jessica Elbert Decker ; 22714, PHIL 345, Bioethics and Media Ethics, Michael McDuffie ; 22692, PSCI 100, U.S. Government & Politics, Stephen Nichols ; 22694, PSCI 370, Foundations of Political Thought, Cyrus Masroori ; 22691, PSCI 445, Gender and Development, Cynthia Chavez Metoyer ; 22684, PSYC 361, Brain and Mind, Yasmine Sherafat ; 23165, SOC 101, Introduction to Sociology, Juan Santos ; 23166, SOC 105, Introduction to Justice Studies, Sheri Lynn Kurisu ; 23167, SOC 303, Families & Intimate Relationships, Adam Shapiro ; 23168, SOC 303, Families & Intimate Relationships, Alicia Gonzales ; 23169, SOC 307, Sociology of Sexualities, Brandon Moore ; 23170, SOC 309, Aging & Society, Bob Roberts ; 23173, SOC 311, Inequality, Marisa Salinas ; 23175, SOC 313, Race and Ethnic Relations, Marlene Mercado ; 23176, SOC 323, Juvenile Delinquency, Lori Walkington ; 23177, SOC 360, Quantitative Research Methods, Jonathan Trinidad ; 23178, SOC 361, Qualitative Methods in Sociology, Karen Glover ; 23179, SOC 417, Family Violence, Allison Monterrosa ; 23883, SOC 442, Analysis of the Justice System and Criminal Law, Karen Glover ; 23237, SOC 444, Perspectives on Corrections and Penology, Christopher Bickel ; 23180, SOC 480, Capstone Seminar in Sociological Scholarship, Theresa Suarez ; 22701, SPAN 101, Beginning Spanish I, Maria Gomez Martin ; 22704, SPAN 102, Beginning Spanish II, Michelle Ramos Pellicia ; 22705, SPAN 201, Intermediate Spanish I, Silvia Rolle-Rissetto ; 22717, SSCI 325, Animals and Society, Mary Roche ; 22716, TA 323, Power and Popular Culture, Judith Bauerlein ; 22685, WGSS 101, Introduction to Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Armaghan Ziaee ; 22687, WGSS 301, Gender, Race & Class in Contemporary Societies, Jodie Lawston ; 22690, WGSS 407, The Politics of Sexualities, Mikee Inton-Campbell
High Degree of Flexibility · Rolling admissions, rolling entry, and both full- and part-time options ; Range of Topics · Business analytics, corporate finance, marketing, management and more ; Cohort Degree Program · Immediate peer support, individualized attention, guaranteed placement in courses, guarantees time to completion, small class sizes