Check out our ultimate list of call center acronyms and definitions to serve as a go-to source for every call center agent and manager.
ACID : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, ACL : Access Control List, ADC : Analog-to-Digital Converter, ADF : Automatic Document Feeder, ADSL : Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, AFP : Apple Filing Protocol, AGP : Accelerated Graphics Port, AIFF : Audio Interchange File Format, AIX : Advanced Interactive Executive, ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit, ANR : Application Not Responding, ANSI : American National Standards Institute, API : Application Program Interface, APM : Actions Per Minute...
C ; CRTC – Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications · CES – Carrier Ethernet Services · C/O – Central Office · CPU – Central Processing Unit · CoS – Class of Service · COAX – Coaxial Cable · Colo – Colocation · CLEC – Competitive Local Exchange Carrier · Converged Voice · Cross Connect · CPE – Customer Premise Equipment
ACA : Atacama Compact Array, composed of 16 antennas, also called "Morita" in honor of a Japanese scientist who worked at ALMA, ACS : ALMA Common Software, ADA : ALMA Department of Administration, ADC : ALMA Department of Computing, ADE : ALMA Department of Engineering, ADO : ALMA Director’s Office, ADS : ALMA Department of Science, AIVC : Assembly, Integration, Verification and Commissioning, ALMA : Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, AMG : Array Maintenance Group, AMT : ALMA Manage...
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter A... control center Atlantic Coast Conference Automatic climate control ACCA (i) The Association of...
IT Acronyms at your Fingertips abW abwatt AC-3 Dolby Digital ACD Automatic Call Distributor ACeS Asia Cellular Satellite System ACF2 or CA-ACF2 Access Control Facility ACH Automated...
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter C... queZON CALL – (a) (U.S.) Center for Army Lessons Learned CALM – (p) Communications, Air...
SLOMFP, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with limited lobbying but deductible donations ; MFP, Mothers for Peace ; MFPAC, Mothers for Peace Action Committee 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization with unlimited lobbying but non-deductible donations ; DCISC DCDEP UCS, Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel Union of Concerned Scientists ; NIRS, Nuclear Information Resource Service ; ECOSLO, Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo ; A4NR, Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility ; NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission ; ASLB, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ; AEC, Atomic Energy Commission (now called the NRC) ; PG&E, Pacific Gas and Electric Company ; DCNPP, Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant ; DCISC, Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee ; SONGS, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (in San Diego) ; TMI, Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant ; ISFSI, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (dry cask facility) ; HLRW, High Level Radioactive Waste ; CPUC, California Public Utilities Commission ; CEC, California Energy Commission ; CCC, California Coastal Commission ; RWQCB, Regional Water Quality Control Board ; GOA, Government Accounting Office ; LER, Licensee Event Reports (the utilities are required to report certain ‘events’, i.e. problems at the plants) ; NAS, National Academy of Sciences ; USGS, United States Geological Survey (a science organization which provides information on the Earth (fault lines and earthquakes for example) ; NUREG, a series of regulatory guides and reports from the NRC ; CFR, Code of Federal Regulations ; DOE, Department of Energy ; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency ; NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act ; CEQA, California Environmental Quality Act ; PWR, Pressurized Water Reactor ; PRA, Probabilistic Risk Assessments
ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION AC Advisory Circular ACARS Aircraft... CG Center of Gravity CHS Cargo Heating System CLAWS FBW Control Laws CLB Climb CMC Central...
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