한양대학교 경영대학 신민수 교수
Business Intelligence: Learn the basic principles & elements of business intelligence. Business Intelligence strategies
To truly improve your company, you need a more holistic way of analyzing data. Learn how to tap into business intelligence in this article.
The Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy initiative explores the growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape.
Gain the knowledge to incorporate technologies such as AI, machine learning and natural language processing as part of your business strategy.
[성적우수상] 2023년 전기 졸업생 ; [장려상 수상] 한국지식경영학회 대학원생 공모전 ; 2023 추계 한국경영정보학회 ; [대상 수상] K-인공지능 제조데이터 분석 경진대회
What’s your BI vision and or do you have any? How is that vision aligned with your IT and corporate strategy? ; Who are your BI players and how coordinated are they? Is there function overlap? ; How do you handle data management and data governance? How do you support BI users? ; What solutions are you using and how? Which of them bring value?
The geopolitical landscape is constantly shifting and with every movement, the world feels the tensions as countries balance their actions and reactions to mitigate the risks and/or take advantage of opportunities. Factors such as international crises, environmental and climate stress, economic conditions or changing alliances can trigger geopolitical shifts and the resulting dynamics, risk resilience and the agility of the government to quickly adapt will be critical determinants of success or failure. ...
BIS 연구실을 방문해 주신 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다. BIS (Business Intelligence & Strategy) Lab.은 2003년 문을 연 이후 지금까지 IT(Information Technology) 전략 및 혁신, 방송통신 정책 및 전략, 빅 데이터, Deep Learning/Machine Learning 등과 관련된 분야의 학문적·실무적 동시 접근이 가능한 차세대 융합형 인재 양성에 목표를 두고 30여명 이상의 석·박사 졸업생을 배출하였습니다. 특히 저희 연...
Discover opportunities for growth making informed decisions about your business. Now's the time to use Business Intelligence to unlock the power of your data.