Business administration Management of a business Accounting Management accounting Financial accounting Audit Business entity (list ) Corporate group Corporation sole Company Conglomerate...
경영에서 업무수행을 효과적으로 행할 수 있게 경영조직을 체계적으로 운영하는 것. 경영상에서의 각종 업무수행이 경영목적을 위하여 가장 효과적으로 행해질 수 있도록 여러 가지 시책을 체계적으로 연구하고...
경영학(經營學, business administration)은 중세 가내수공업인 길드 경제시대를 지나 1760년대 영국과 서유럽을 중심으로 산업혁명이 성공하고 새로운 형태의 산업 경제가 생겨나면서부터 시작된 학문이다....
English Noun business administration ( uncountable ) ( business , education ) A course of study in higher education intended to prepare the students for a career in business. Translations
Educational Goals ; Build expertise in producing efficiency and effectiveness based on contextual competencies ; Foster creative problem-solving skills that integrate expertise from various humanities and social sciences ; Develop the ability to communicate and collaborate naturally with others and society and to understand diverse cultures
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, or Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration is a bachelor's degree in business...
공공 부문의 관리(행정)와 대비되는 사기업의 관리, 즉 경영을 일컫는 말이다. 사행정은 이윤을 추구하고 시장 기능에 의존하며 경쟁적 상황에 놓여 있는데 비해, 공행정은 공익을 추구하고 국가 공권력에 의존하며...
Small Business Administration Seal of the SBA Logo of the SBA Agency overview Formed July 30, 1953 ; 71 years ago Preceding agency Small Defense Plants Administration, Reconstruction...
Code: 540000, Subject: DK road map, Credits: 1, 1-1: 0 ; Code: 306100, Subject: Management Science 1, Credits: 3, 1-1: - ; Code: 313050, Subject: Managerial Accounting, Credits: 3, 1-1: -
Faculty/Department, Office, Curriculum ; Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 053)580-6425, Curriculum ; Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Tourism Management, 053)580-6427, Curriculum ; Faculty of Accounting and Taxation, Department of Accounting, 053)580-6426, Curriculum