Brothers in Law Directed by Roy Boulting Screenplay by Roy Boulting Jeffrey Dell Frank Harvey Jr. Based on Brothers in Law by Henry Cecil Produced by John Boulting Starring Richard...
English Etymology From co- + brother-in-law or co-brother + -in-law . Noun co-brother-in-law ( plural co-brothers-in-law ) ( uncommon ) One's spouse's brother-in-law (one's spouse's sibling...
Brothers in Law is a British television series inspired by the 1955 comedy novel Brothers in Law by Henry Cecil Leon. It first aired on the BBC in thirteen half-hour episodes between 17...
brother-in-law - WordReference 영-한 사전
에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할brother in law영어 단어 그것은? brother in law영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :법률 형제, 법률의 동생. Meaning of brother in law for the defined word. 문법적으로, 이 관용구 "brother in law" 는 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 셀...
brother-in-law 뜻: 처남; "남편이나 아내의 형제," 또한 "자매의 남편의 형제," 1300년경; 또한 brother in law ; brother + in-law 를 참조하세요. 아라비아어, 우르두어, 스와힐리어 등에서 형제아닌 남성에게 사용하는 brother-in-law, 은 "당신의 여동생과 잤다"의 구실을 함축하며 극도로 모욕적입니다.
brother-in-law의 동의어 If your sister marries a man, then you will have her husband as your brother-in-law. If your mother or father have a son with someone else, then that person is your half-brother...
Brothers in law. 좋아하는 사람 6,765명. Listen to new single "Middle of Nowhere": Listen to "Hard Times for Dreamers":
'brother-in-law'의 한국어 번역 확인하기. brother-in-law의 번역 예문을 살펴보고, 발음을 듣고 문법을 배워보세요.
talking adventurous coffee pot 10/12/24 yes Dun philosopher-king bawdyhouse 10/12/24 voice of reason as always cbtp metal parlor 10/12/24 not as deranged as brother-in-law Honey-headed...