Brigham Young College was a college and high school in Logan, Utah. It was founded by Brigham Young on 6 August 1877, 23 days before his death. He deeded several acres of land to a board of trustees for the development of a college. This was just two years after he founded Brigham Young Ac...
Brigham Young University ( BYU ) is a private research university in Provo, Utah, United States. It was founded in 1875 by religious leader Brigham Young and is sponsored by the Church of...
Find everything you need to know about Brigham Young University (BYU), including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
Find everything you need to know about Brigham Young University--Idaho, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
Explore Brigham Young University - Hawaii reviews, rankings, and statistics. Is it the right college for you?
Explore Brigham Young University reviews, rankings, and statistics. Is it the right college for you?
Brigham Young University – Actuarial Science ; Brigham Young University는 미국 유타주 중북부 프로보에 위치한 명문 사립대학교이다. 약칭 BYU로 불리는 이 대학교는 1875년도에 설립, 깊은 역사를 자랑하며 미국에서 가장 큰 종교대학이며...
Find everything you need to know about Brigham Young University--Hawaii, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
브리감영 대학교는 유타주 프로보시에 위치한 미국내 가장 큰 종교 학교이며 두번째로 큰 사립대학교이다. 예수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회 재단(몰몬교)이 학교를 소유하고 있으며 전체 학생의 98%가...
Explore Brigham Young University-Idaho reviews, rankings, and statistics. Is it the right college for you?