Bowel infarction or gangrenous bowel represents an irreversible injury to the intestine... Any cause of bowel ischemia, the earlier reversible form of injury, may ultimately lead to...
a bowel obstruction. Symptoms include abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, vomiting... Complications Strangulation Gangrene Perforation Faecal peritonitis Recurrent volvulus Causes Midgut...
* 장관 교액(bowel strangulation) 소장이나 대장이 혈액 공급이 차단되거나 제한되는 상황으로, 중증의 복통, 복부 팽만, 구토, 변비 등과 같은 증상이 급성으로 유발될 수 있다. 장기 교액은 응급 상황으로...
Strangulation of bowel by adhesive band N Engl J Med. 1946 Oct 24;235(17):628-30. Authors M K BARTLETT, M D SCHULZ, et al. PMID: 21000402 No abstract available MeSH terms Adhesives...
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Overview ; A bowel obstruction is a partial or complete blockage of either of your bowels — your small intestine or your large intestine. Your intestines move food and (eventually) food waste from your stomach to your rectum, which you pass as stool when you poop. An obstruction blocks your intestinal passageway, slowing movement or grinding digestive processes to a halt. Waste, gas and digestive juices can get stuck behind the blockage, damaging the tissue. The blockage can prevent your bowel...
Objectives: ; Describe the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and classification of bowel obstruction. ; Outline the evaluation in a patient with bowel obstruction. ; Explain the conservative and surgical management strategies in patients with bowel obstruction.
In the small intestine, some common causes of bowel obstruction are: Adhesions — Adhesions are areas of tough, fibrous connective tissue that are a type of scar. Adhesions develop on the outside of injured intestine or pelvic organs as they heal after surgery or infection. Adhesions do not always cause symptoms when they first form. Because of the motion of the intestine, it is common for these collections of scar tissue to be stretched into string-like or band-like tethers over time. An area of adhesions can cause obstruction of the small bo ...
Download Citation | On Sep 8, 2012, T Renukumar and others published Bowel gangrene in congenital mesenteric defects: Not always due to volvulus or strangulation | Find, read and cite all the resea...
PURPOSE: To report a new CT sign of small bowel strangulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two cases of small bowel obstruction evaluated by spiral CT with intravenous contrast injection. RESULTS: In bo...