전일 종가 : 108.21, 금일 시가 : 107.91, 거래량 : 26,154,121, 평균 거래량 : 25,963,921, 1년 변동률 : 4.81%, 금일 변동 : 107.6-108.52, 52주 변동폭 : 104.14-114.07, 총 시가 : 27.93B, 총 자산 : 23.70B, 발행주식수 : 258,100,000, 배당금 (TTM) : 4.6229, 배당수익률 : 4.27%, 베타 : 0.387, 자산등급 : 채권
Are bonds a good investment? Bonds can provide predictable income and additional tax benefits. Learn more in our guide to investing in bonds.
Calendar, GMT, Reference, Actual ; 2024-09-18, 08:00 PM, Jul, $55.9B ; 2024-10-17, 08:00 PM, Aug, $19.2B ; 2024-11-18, 09:00 PM, Sep,
High-yield bonds (also called junk bonds) are bonds that pay higher interest rates because they have lower credit ratings than investment-grade bonds.
본 BIE페이지에서 P/E 비율,EPS,ROI와 기타 비율과 같은 중요한 재무비율을 포함한 도표를 제공합니다.
an investment in a bond if the investor holds the bond until maturity and if all payments are made as scheduled.6 YTM evaluates the attractiveness of one bond relative to other bonds of...
Learn about treasury bonds, how they work, their benefits, and how to invest in them. Understand why they are a safe investment.
- The dynamics of inflation, and how they affect both trading in the bond market, and investment decisions; and - The democratization of lending, socialization of risk, and effect of the...
2028 Investment Grade Bond Trust Unit 주식에 대한 자세한 기술적 분석과 거래 신호에 접속하십시오.
Record Date, Total Distribution ; 2024/10/11, ¥10.0 ; 2024/07/11, ¥11.0 ; 2024/04/11, ¥9.0 ; 2024/01/11, ¥10.0