Avoid project delays caused by inadequate big data infrastructure. Optimize resources, invest in scalability, and anticipate client needs for success.
Lee Health is working to unify information from clinical systems, claims, labs, and more to build a big data infrastructure and enhance population health management.
Big Data 플랫폼 Apache Spark, Hive, Trino, Flink 등을 끊김없이 확장하고 실행할 수 있습니다. 뛰어난 가성비와 익숙한 오픈 소스 도구들을 제공하는 Data Science 노트북을 활용한 간편한 개발 및...
Why you need Big Data infrastructure? ; With the development of digital services and the internet, the volume of data has been increasing at unprecedented rates. SINTEF, the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia, stated in 2013 that 90% of world’s data was generated over last two years*. In order to handle and store these huge amounts of data, enterprises have to consider multiple factors before adopting Big Data infrastructure. These include operations, security and strateg...
We offer cutting-edge big data infrastructure and analytics solutions to help businesses harness data. Boost your performance today!
Big Data transforms how we turn data into strategic insights. However, it takes the right infrastructure to make abundant data useful for decision-making…
정가 : 174,980원, 판매가 : 157,480원 (10% 할인), YES포인트 : 7,880원 (5% 적립) + 마니아추가적립 · 5만원이상 구매 시 2천원 추가적립
In the dynamic realm of data-driven innovation, the fusion of Big Data Infrastructure and Deep Learning is catalyzing a revolution across industries…
Submit your abstract on Big Data Infrastructure at Data Structures 2017
Manage, catalog and process raw data with Oracle Big Data. Create a powerful data lake that seamlessly integrates into existing architectures and easily connects data to users.