Between assignments, exams, work schedules, relationships, and other responsibilities, joining a university's honors program might seem like the cherry on top of a complicated college sundae. After...
Two-year public colleges offer low tuition, job-specific training and other benefits.
Along those lines, conversations about the many benefits of studying abroad are echoing... Experts and students say that when searching for employment straight out of college and lacking...
Early college programs were designed to provide high school students who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education to earn an associate degree or up to two years of college credit to h...
Matthew M. Chingos finds that students from higher income families would receive a disproportionate share of the benefits of free college, largely because they tend to attend more expensive institu...
You can take advantage of a wide range of benefits with College membership. Take a look at the list and make sure you don’t miss out.
Explore the financial, career, and personal benefits of attending college, while weighing the costs and challenges to make an informed decision.
When the Framers drafted the Constitution in 1787, they could not have predicted the many changes and advances that our society has undergone since the 18th Century. However, through their genius and foresight, they designed an electoral system that has the ability to adapt to modern-day America and work even better than they could have anticipated. Below are some of the many benefits of the Electoral College. PRESERVES FEDERALISM. The Electoral College preserves the principles of federalism tha...
"The cost of college creates a stress," says Oded Gurantz, an assistant professor at the University of Missouri who studies higher education. "So if the money frees [students] up so they're...
Community college might be the right choice for you regardless of your academic or financial situation.