세계 금융위기 당시 은행 구제금융에 들어간 국민의 세금을 회수하고, 금융위기 재발을 방지하기 위하여 은행에 부과하는 세금이다. 은행세란 은행에 부과하는 일종의 부담금이다. 2010년 1월 미국의 버락 오바마...
A bank tax, or a bank levy, is a tax on banks which was discussed in the context of the... The bank tax is levied on the capital at risk of financial institutions, excluding federally...
2008년 9월 글로벌 금융위기 이후 은행 구제 금융에 들어간 재원을 마련하는 동시에 은행의 건전성을 높이기위해 은행에 부과하는 세금. 은행이 보유하고 있는 자산 중 안전성을 인증받지 못한 자산에 부과하는...
은행의 자산 가운데 안정성이 떨어지는 위험자산에 부과하는 세금을 말한다. 은행의 자산 가운데 안정성이 떨어지는 위험자산에 부과하는 세금을 말한다. 글로벌 금융위기 때, 은행에 투입된 국민 세금을 환수하고...
Capital levies are considered difficult for a government to implement.[citation needed] Some... 6 percent levy on all bank deposits on 11 July 1992. [6] In 1999, Donald Trump proposed for...
This article is about tax levies in the United States. For other uses, see Tax... The IRS can levy upon wages, bank accounts, social security payments, accounts receivables, insurance...
Bank levies are still likely to be introduced in the US to pay back the taxpayer cost of the bank bail-out, in the UK and in many, if not all, European Union countries. Without global...
Overview ; We issue orders to withhold to legally take your property to satisfy an outstanding balance due. We may take money from your bank account or other financial assets or we may collect any personal property or thing of value belonging to you but in the possession and control of a third party. If you receive an order regarding one of your customers or clients, you are legally required to comply with the terms of the order by sending us the requested funds or other property in your possess...
Joaquim Levy Chair of the Brazilian Development Bank In... [2] He also was president of the Brazilian Development Bank... private bank. [3] Contents 1 Life and education 2 Career 2.1 Early...
imposing levies on banks to help insure the global economy against future financial crises... 15 per cent on any bank balance sheet of more than $50bn (€36bn, £31bn), aimed at recouping...