ASP.NET MVC - Validation - Validation is an important aspect in ASP.NET MVC applications. It is used to check whether the user input is valid. ASP.NET MVC provides a set of validation that is easy-...
This tutorial explains validation in MVC.
property conditional required field based on the selection of the "IsSenior" propery (true -> required). How to implement conditional validation in ASP.NET MVC 2 with data annotations?
What is the MVC way to do this with data annotation? I'm asking this because I'm new to MVC and want to do it the correct way before making my own solution.
After publishing a new build of my ASP.NET MVC web application, I often see this exception thrown when browsing to the site: System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: A required anti-forgery token ...
ASP .NET MVC 필드별 수준에서 클라이언트 측 유효성 검사 사용 안 함 ASP를 쓰고 있습니다.데이터 주석 및 jQuery validate 플러그인이 포함된 NET MVC 3. 특정 필드(또는 특정 데이터 주석)는 서버 측에서만 유효성을 확인하도록 표시할 수 있는 방법이 있습니까? 마스킹 플러그인이 있는 전화번호 필드가 있는데, 정규 표현식 검...
For question 2 - I'm using Data Annoations with the mvc framework. Let's say I have a field set to be required. When I first enter that form, that field does not trigger validation on blur....
We are currently in the middle of writing an app in MVC 2.0 and noticed the Model Validation Providers, can anyone provide any examples or links to good solid examples? Cheers
I am trying to do manual validation so I can post my form via AJAX. ALSO I am loading my form dynamically using $("#formHolder").load(url); When I load the page into the DIV it always...
Release notes for ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM for Visual Studio 2010. ASP.NET MVC is a framework for developing Web applications that uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.