Purpose ; You would like to use the Apple Software (as defined below) to develop one or more Applications (as defined below) for Apple-branded products. Apple is willing to grant You a limited license to use the Apple Software and Services provided to You under this Program to develop and test Your Applications on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Applications developed under this Agreement for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and watchOS can be distributed: (1) through th...
Apple today announced the availability of new software tools... from Apple engineers. Development teams will also be able to... for Apple Vision Pro, or to apply for a developer kit...
SDK는 "Software Development Kit"의 약자로, 소프트웨어 개발 키트를 의미합니다. SDK는 특정 소프트웨어, 프레임워크, 하드웨어 플랫폼, 컴퓨터 시스템, 게임 콘솔, 운영 체제 또는 기타 개발 도구를 개발할 때 사용되는 일련의 도구 모음입니다. 개발자가 특정 언어(예: Java, Python, Swift 등)로 응용 프로그램을...
Apple's iOS software developer kit (iOS SDK) provides tools, such as libraries and APIs, to create apps for Apple's mobile operating system. Learn more.
“Apple SDKs” means the macOS SDK, and the Apple-proprietary Software Development Kits (SDKs) provided hereunder, including but not limited to header files, APIs, libraries, simulators...
The Java Development Kit ( JDK ) is a distribution of Java... It provides software for working with Java applications.... Apple's Mac OS Runtime for Java JVM/JDK for Classic Mac OS;...
Abseil · AFNetworking · Alamofire · AppAuth · BoringSSL / openssl_grpc · Capacitor · Charts · connectivity_plus · Cordova · device_info_plus · DKImagePickerController · DKPhotoGallery · FBAEMKit · FBLPromises · FBSDKCoreKit · FBSDKCoreKit_Basics · FBSDKLoginKit · FBSDKShareKit · file_picker · FirebaseABTesting · FirebaseAuth · FirebaseCore · FirebaseCoreDiagnostics · FirebaseCoreExtension · FirebaseCoreInternal · FirebaseCrashlytics · FirebaseD...
📦 Collection of Swift+Apple Frameworks extensions for speeding up software development [iOS & iPadOS]. - GitHub - eleev/extensions-kit: 📦 Collection of Swift+Apple Frameworks extensions for speed...
Unleash the limitless potential of your business with our powerful, customizable Software Development Kit, which allows you to rapidly develop custom software.
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced the availability of new software tools and technologies that enable developers to create groundbreaking app experiences for Apple Vision Pro — Apple’s first spatial computer. Featuring visionOS, the world’s first spatial operating system, Vision Pro lets users interact with digital content in their physical space using the most natural and intuitive inputs possible — their eyes, hands, and voice. Starting today, Apple’s global community of developers will be able to create an entirely new cl ...