Improve your app performance by having one quality metric that measures crashes, slow screen transitions, client-side network latency, or UI hangs.
Get seamless performance for all your mobile apps with frontend and backend visibility of data in context.
Monitor Android applications in combination with backend services. Optimize Android app performance and improve mobile user experience.
실시간 앱 성능 모니터링 도구인 Firebase Performance Monitoring을 사용하면 새로운 기능을 출시하거나 구성을 변경할 때 앱을 계속 주시할 수 있습니다. 또한 Performance Monitoring을 사용하면 맞춤설정 가능한 대시보드를 통해 성능 데이터를 제어하여 가장 중요한 측정항목에 쉽게 집중할 수 있습니다.
Catch performance issues using the Metal Performance HUD while your app is running.
1단계: 앱에 Performance Monitoring SDK 추가 ; Performance Monitoring SDK를 추가하면 Firebase에서 앱의 화면 렌더링과 앱의 수명 주기(예: 앱 시작 시간)에 관련된 데이터를 자동으로 수집하기 시작합니다. Firebase가 네트워크 요청을 모니터링하도록 사용 설정하려면 Performance Monitoring Gradle 플러그인도 추가해야 합니다(다음 단계). 참고: 앱에 Performance Monitoring SDK를 추가하면 원격 구성 SDK가 종속...
App monitoring can give you a deeper insight into what apps are doing in your instance. This... an app may have contributed to a drop in overall performance or stability.Before you can...
Join our on-demand recording for a breakdown of mobile app performance monitoring best practices to help you and your team spend less time fixing and more time building.
Learn some key best practices for monitoring your iOS and Android apps.
Product Science, a startup co-founded by four siblings, has raised $18 million to develop software for testing mobile app performance.