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FDA Approves First Nasal Spray for Treatment of Anaphylaxis | FDA

Neffy’s approval is based on four studies in 175 healthy adults, without anaphylaxis, that measured the epinephrine concentrations in the blood following administration of neffy or...

Anaphylaxis - MSD Manual Professional Edition

Anaphylaxis is typically triggered by ; Foods (eg, nuts, eggs, seafood) · Proteins (eg, tetanus antitoxin, blood transfusions) · Animal venoms · Latex


아나필락시스: 개요 및 진단 ; Anaphylaxis 반응이란? · 분류 - IgE-mediated anaphylaxis (classic anaphylaxis): Type I, 아나필락시스양 반응(Anaphylactoid reaction) · 발생기전 · 임상양상 · 진단 - 임상적 진단 기준, 검사실 소견: Serum tryptase, 감별진단 ; 치료원칙: 조기 치료가 사망을 방지하는 관건 · 아나필락시스에 투여하는 약물 - Epinephrine · 불응성 아나필락시스 치료: 에피네프린 처치 등으...

에피네프린(epinephrine) 주사는 언제 사용하고, 사용 용량 / 부작용은 무엇이 있을까?

그래서 오늘은 병원에서 자주 사용하는 에피네프린(epinephrine)이 무슨 약인지 살펴보려고... 질환 1) 아나필락시스 (anaphylaxis) & 다른 심한 즉각적인 과민 반응 (immediate hypersensitivity) ① 허벅지...

에피네프린 투여에 따른 아나필락시스 환자의 임상학적 양상 비교 Comparison of clinical features of anaphyla....

자료유형 : Article, 주제어 : Anaphylaxis · Epinephrine · Emergency treatment, Content Provider : Korean Studies Information Service System, 초록 : Objective: Epinephrine is a first-line drug for anaphylaxis, but a poor prognosis can occur if not administered properly. This study compared the clinical features of patients with anaphylaxis in the emergency department (ED) according to epinephrine administration. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study using ED-based da...

Epinephrine is the only effective treatment for anaphylaxis

Many people have experienced mild allergic reactions to a food, medication, or other allergen, but a severe reaction can be harmful or even fatal. Anaphylaxis must be treated with epinephrine as qu...

Epinephrine (medication)

Epinephrine , also known as adrenaline , is a medication and hormone. As a medication, it is used to treat several conditions, including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, asthma, and superficial bleeding. Inhaled epinephrine may be used to improve the symptoms of croup. It may also be used for ...

Epinephrine (adrenaline) in anaphylaxis. | Sigma-Aldrich

Epinephrine (adrenaline) in anaphylaxis. by F Estelle R Simons, Keith J Simons. Chemical immunology and allergy. Read more related scholarly scientific articles and abstracts.

Understanding Anaphylaxis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction typically triggered by food, medication, bug bite, or latex. It requires immediate treatment with epinephrine.

아나필락시스(anaphylaxis): 진단 - Metamedic

Case based approach ; 기본 일차진료매뉴얼 이론을 실전에 어떻게 접목할 것인지에 초점을 맞춘 도서입니다. ① 최신 지침/트렌드 반영 ② 실전 가이드(Practical guide) 보강 ③ 증례(Case based approach) 보강

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